By Katie Pearson, Communications Specialist and Senior Trainer for Leadership Development at Holy Yoga

Christian fitness professionals have a tremendous opportunity to meet the spiritual needs of their clients by drawing on the wisdom and knowledge that is core to their faith. The trust and authority clients readily offer their trainer or instructor often goes beyond the professional’s training expertise. Fitness leaders are inherently known for their caring nature. For the Christ-influenced trainer that extends beyond physical outcomes and genuine friendships into a passionate caring for each individual’s soul.

You’ve seen it – After class a student lingers to share a personal story about her or his struggle with an illness. Another is teary in awe of God’s grace at the end of yoga class. It’s no wonder that many describe their workout as the most essential part of their week. Whether we realize it or not, God has given those in the fitness industry a platform to serve as ministers.

Ministry is not just for those with theology degrees or positions on a church staff. Every follower of Christ is called to lead by serving those in their circle of influence. Consider how Jesus served those in his circle of influence: he invited them in, asked them questions, gave them space to process, and loved them for who they were. In exchange, they gave up everything to pursue a relationship with His Father, and give their lives telling others the good news. Inclusivity is a powerful form of ministry.

There are five areas of ministry where the trainer, gym owner, group exercise instructor and coach can have a profound impact on the spiritual health and development of members and clients. They are:

  1. Invitation
  2. Listening
  3. Standing Alongside
  4. Teaching
  5. Praying

Beginning with this page and in the following pages I’ll examine each by starting with a scenario so you can better consider how a specific ministry can help you respond to the need. I’ll then offer some explanation and conclude with a few tips. The purpose is to merely introduce you to these five ministries that you can do.

I present them in an order that has somewhat of a natural progression (some might characterize the order as advancing from safe to risky). In fact they are fluid and you may draw on one or more at any given time depending on the need and opportunity. Use the comments section below to share your thoughts, questions and experiences so that all of us together can better see these five ministries become effectual among fitness professionals.


A new staff member isn’t connecting with the rest of the team, and doesn’t seem to want to make an effort to fit in. Her skills are great, but she is choosing to be “furthest out” and the team is beginning to lose interest in getting to know her. How do you create unity?

People have a need to be seen. Whether working with clients or staff, it’s critical to practice inclusivity on all levels.

Jesus’ ministry revolved around extending an invitation to follow Him—giving them the holy confidence to connect with God and change their lives. He was given a mission from his Father and all were invited to participate. We too can be like Christ and extend the invitation consistently year-round for others to join you in a workout .

In a broken and hurting world everyone needs a place to belong. Don’t underestimate the power of recognizing potential in others, encouraging them to attend class, or asking them to share their story with you. Fitness professionals should seek out those they wouldn’t normally consider interested in the health and wellness world.

Invitation motivates transformation more than any program or product the industry can offer. Try these techniques:

  • Constantly remind staff and team members of the organizational mission, and the greater mission of Christ. “Meaning” motivates and unites. Everyone is necessary and plays a unique role.
  • Encourage everyone to share her or his story.
  • Ask about individuals “felt needs” – what is the underlying issue? Give them permission to ask for what they need then constantly point them back to the One who can meet all needs.


  1. Invitation 2. Listening 3. Standing Alongside 4. Teaching 5. Praying


2 Responses

  1. Hello so encouraged for this
    And I want to be able to start something like this in my home country which is Tanzania.
    Can I have a contact of a Christian fitness trainer or someone I can talk to about this .
    I would really appreciate it.

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