It’s not a question – It’s a huge opportunity – a plan, strategy, calling, responsibility, and lifestyle – it’s an eternal game changer.
You know that daily life can get difficult. Month after month and year after year – – – work, finances, goals, family, political climate, social media, sickness, frustrations, failures, anxiety, fears, unending challenges and setbacks… And when it all piles on you relentlessly pushing you to the breaking point you (like anybody would) cry out with exasperation and desperation, “What’s Next?”
Accepting Jesus as your Savior and being a follower of Christ doesn’t exempt you from any of this. If going to church once a week or less frequently is the main way you live out your faith you may find that deep down it actually adds to all that desperation.
You want to be fully alive in Christ but honestly you know your walk with God is stagnate. David in the Bible wrote about it. In Psalms he prays to God, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation.”
You’ve gone to church, said a prayer, got saved AND baptized, and since then you’ve put in a pretty honest effort to attend most Sundays (THAT, you feel is better than those who only show for Christmas and Easter).
You like to sing and the preacher certainly inspires you. Occasionally you try your hand at communion and when you’re really gutsy, you take part in an easy-to-do “get involved” volunteer activity (or at least you give money to it).
The desperate “What’s next?” got you to this point but the reality is you’re still asking “What’s next?” only now you’ve come to realize that YOUR best personal effort to be “spiritual” is pretty shallow.
People (and let’s admit it you and me) often find things like fitness, travel, gardening and outdoor activities to be more engaging and satisfying than going to church. They and we find fellowship and community in those activities too.
But, the truth is neither seculosity nor routine church attendance are what God wants for us. God is jealous and wants ALL of you. Until God’s at the center of your lifestyle, the faith and the passions you pursue are all narcissism – your preoccupation with your own needs.

God has a plan and strategy for your life. And if you think a “jealous” God is too over-the-top then you’re sure to be amazed and left speechless by a GENEROUS God. He’s eager to show you What’s Next!
It’s your very own personalized calling. How cool is that?! It’s the something that only you can do. When you really start to take in the full scope and magnitude of that, you’ll be humbled to realize that What’s Next! is the precious and exclusive responsibility that God has given you.
What’s Next! is the shift God is calling each of us to make from “what are you going to do for me today” to “make me a tool of your mercy and power”.

It’s exercising your faith and intentionally helping others learn how they can workout their own faith in responsive obedience. It’s going to beautiful and exciting places that become even more beautiful and exciting because they’re destinations where the people you encounter get to encounter God – with you. It’s experiencing with others how God is in the wonder and aroma of growing real fresh food – where homesteading transforms from self-sufficiency into being at home with God. It’s the rugged nature of God you invite the awestruck outdoor adventurer to hear, see, smell and understand.
Ready to go for it and be hardcore? If you’ve been wanting to seek God in how to get from here to … way over beyond there, then dig into all 4 winter 2024 Lifestyle Media Group magazines. Use them to pursue God with relentless persistence. Focus on God and find the What’s Next! that He has for you.