There is a Season for Everything

there is a season for everything

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven:

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJV)

There is a season for everything. Are you living in your season?

Last September, I turned 50.* I remember when my dad turned 45. I remember it because that’s when I first thought of him as old. And now I’m 50! What does that make me? I guess my 20-something-year-old-self would say “really old.” But you know, I don’t feel old.

While I will always argue that fat is not a feeling (How many times have you said, “I feel fat”?), I think age is, in part, a feeling. It’s about mindset. Age is so much more than the number of times we’ve circled the sun.

For sure, things happen to our physical bodies over time. It’s the cycle of life. But still, so much of the aging process comes down to our mindset.

I’m 50, but I feel 25. Well, okay, maybe not quite 25, but I sure don’t feel like what I think 50 should feel like. So maybe that feeling is about what we perceived it to be 20 years prior to becoming that age? Hmmm….age is a state of mind? Is it a perception? Now it sounds like I’m talking in circles, so how about we learn to embrace our now? This year. This moment. This season.

Ultimately that’s what life is about – embracing this age and stage of life. Honoring the body and the life we have right now and doing the best we can with what God has entrusted to us.

If I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that being healthy and happy isn’t about a number on the scale. It’s about allowing God to set you free from weight loss worries and making peace with your body. Once you do that, you can implement healthy habits that honor and support not only your body but your mind and spirit too.

Wherever you are, be all there.

Jim Elliott

Is it possible that we can be where we are? Our scripture says that there is a season for everything. This is my season. Wherever you are, it is your season. Can you appreciate this moment? This phase? Can you celebrate progress you’ve  made while still moving towards where you want to go? Toward a new goal? Making plans?

I think we can. It comes with gratitude. I believe it comes with balance. It comes with knowing your season and owning your journey. And, it comes with being okay where you are today. You must embrace your now.

I’m ready to embrace this age and stage of life. Whatever age or stage of life you’re at, will you embrace it? Allow God to set you free from all that’s holding you back and confidently step into this season of your life. It can truly be your best life. That’s what I’m counting on!

Action Step

Take a moment to be present, truly present today. Grab a notebook, and sit quietly. Reflect on progress you’ve made, and what you’ve done to get where you are today. List things for which you’re grateful. Read chapter 3 of Ecclesiastes. Identify your season. Thank God for being with you now and embrace the season you’re in.

*As a result of turning 50, I published 50 Days of Faith and Fitness: A Walk Through Psalms. Find out more here.

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