“No more half reps”: Looking at spiritual growth

I recently read an article by Arnold Schwarzenegger that got me thinking about our spiritual growth journey. He was talking about something I see far too often- people doing half reps in order to lift more weight and so not receiving the full benefit of the exercise. That’s bad. Even worse, I have seen this often in the spiritual lives of many doing the same thing-half-reps in life.

Arnold speaks wisdom

With is in mind, here is what Arnold said: “these days, in the gym, the most common thing I’m telling people is to stop doing half-reps, quarter-reps, or three-quarter reps.
There is an epidemic of people not doing a full movement, and it worries me.
If you’ve ever been near me in the gym, you’ve probably heard me tell somebody to stop doing half-reps.
Here’s why it worries me.
We go to the gym for all the benefits of being fit and strong. But if you only do half of the movement, you’re only getting half of the benefits.
I worry that the people who do half-reps in the gym are there just to check a box. They aren’t concerned about whether they’re making the most of their half-hour or hour of training.
I completely understand that there are bad days where we all have to force ourselves to the gym just to go through the motions. But if that’s what you’re doing, then go through the motions.
We know that resistance training with a full range of motion is just as powerful as stretching for increasing flexibility and mobility. We know training with a full range of motion is the most efficient way to gain strength and muscle mass.
But still, people go to the gym and do half-reps.
I’m worried because people are missing out on the fantastic benefits of progressive weight resistance training. But I’m even more worried about what it might mean for the rest of their lives.
If you don’t make the most of your time in the gym, I am willing to bet you aren’t making the most of your time, period. If you do half-reps of pull-ups, I’m guessing we can find other parts of your life you’re giving half the attention needed.”

I think Arnold is on to something that relates to our journey of spiritual growth.

Half reps in life?

As a pastor, and a coach, I see this happen far too often. People are cutting corners in order to ‘accomplish more’ and in the end they are finding less. This is not just the case in the physical realm, but I see this in the spiritual realm also. People are fooling themselves cutting corners in their spiritual development and learning to ‘fake it to make it’. God sees this and is not impressed.

The book of Proverbs has a lot to say on this issue. One particular statement from this book of wisdom states: The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied. (Prov.13:4)

We are reminded that whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord (Col.3:23)
A well know verse is Philippians 4:13- I can do all things through him who strengthens me. This verse is often misused. What Paul is telling us here is God gives the ability to overcome anything we face. This includes spiritual sloth and struggles with motivation.

Give God your best

What all these verses tell us is that we are to give God our best and give it our all. That means not just Sunday morning, in your small group, or doing a bible study. It also means when you’re sitting down to dinner with your family, sending an email for work or doing full reps in the gym. Are you giving these things your all? Is this an act of worship?

So, the gym is representative of your life. There are good day and bad days of training. So too with our spiritual life. Success in spiritual growth demands struggle. Full effort beats half effort every time. Progress requires learning to love the process, the joy is in the doing. Now get to the gym and do full reps and then do the same in your ‘workout’ for God.

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