Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all be fit 100% of the time – perfect body weight, incredible diet, plenty of exercise and muscle tone, lots of energy and no sickness, disease, aches and pains. That’s a heaven on earth fantasy. God gives us strength to go through a much different journey. The same is true for most of us in the work we do – the jobs we have. It’s not perfect. For many it’s tough.
Someone you know right now may be going through a desert – a really hard time. It may be unfortunate circumstances, a result of their own failures or a combination of both. Regardless of the reasons or the solutions you can be the joy in that person’s life today.
That starts by joining with that person in prayer – going to God together for comfort, wisdom, grace and greater level of strength. Then take the encouragement further with an expression of fitness. Take that person to the gym, the spa, an outdoor adventure or some other physically engaging activity that the two of you do together. Do something that is fun, different and truly spiritually liberating. This is how we use our physical fitness and our spiritual calling to create a tangible action that God can use.