By Shawn Maves

David Lyons is the Founder of the MS Fitness Challenge (MSFC) charity. He is considered the face of MS fitness worldwide. David grew up as a tough kid from the Bronx, then later moved to Queens. In the 70’s, there were gangs in all areas of New York City and he gravitated towards them. ‘When you watch a movie based out of New York City, that’s how I lived’ David recalls. It was in the early 1980’s when David first started to really train as a bodybuilder at the same gym as Mr. America Mike Ashley. When he was 20 years old, he met Mr. America Anibal Lopez and trained at his garage gym.
David also trained around other great pro bodybuilders like Mr. USA John Defendis, Mr. America Tom Terwilliger, Mr. Universe Steve Michalik and Mr. Universe Lou Ferrigno, who starred in the television series ‘The Incredible Hulk’. David has remained friends with Lou for many years since.
In 2006, David started experiencing sharp pain and numbness in his left shoulder/left arm. After a couple of months the pain went into David’s legs and finally into his upper body. When he became partially paralyzed from the chest down he was hospitalized for 5 days at the Orlando Florida Medical Center. It was here that David was diagnosed with MS thirteen years ago. When he received the news he felt one thing: devastation. Doctors later told David that he would probably leave in a wheelchair and be unable to return to his normal workout routine. They also warned him that MS is a disease that most often progressively worsens as he ages. But David would have none of it. David told me his response to the doctors was this: “You may know medicine, doc, but you don’t know my Lord Jesus”. For the believer, confidence and hope in God is always greater than fear and suffering.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) involves an immune-mediated process in which an abnormal response of the body’s immune system is directed against the CNS central nervous system (brain, spinal cord and optic nerves). Damage to areas of the CNS may produce a variety of neurological symptoms that will vary among people with MS in type and severity. The damaged areas develop scar tissue which gives the disease its name – multiple areas of scarring or multiple sclerosis. Today there are many suffering with MS across the world with varying degrees of pain. The cause of MS is not known, but it is believed to involve genetic susceptibility, abnormalities in the immune system and environmental factors that combine to trigger the disease. Symptoms include pain, numbness and coordination issues. Resources:
After leaving the hospital on the sixth day, David went home and thoroughly reserached MS. Unfortunately the search was very depressing and negative. Although he knew God was in control, his emotions again began to overtake his faith and he spent a year praying and trying to come to grips with having an incurable disease while seeking God’s will.
David struggled with living day to day with MS and he had moments of doubt and fear but kept his faith in God. In fact, it is fear that can often eventually cripple those without faith, but it is God who delivers those who seek Him from all their fears.
God always has a plan no matter what we face. We begin to conquer our fear by seeking God, then taking the first step forward. God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and self discipline. After seeking God for a year, David started to find answers. He went back to his roots as a bodybuilder and used weight training and exercise to battle MS. Despite the debilitating symptoms, he not only returned to the weight room, but also entered a NPC Bodybuilding contest in which he received an award. Through his 13 year fight against MS some of David’s symptoms started to subside through God’s healing, exercise and nutrition. David has also undergone stem cell treatment which enables him to jog and jump rope again. But it is the strength of Jesus and David’s faith that has made the most difference in his victory over this disease. Conquering our fears is the first order of business before we can help others. After managing his fears and MS by leaning on God, David helps others with MS through MSFC.
The idea for MSFC came when David’s wife Kendra, who is a registered nurse, told him that his diagnosis was not just about his own body but about helping others with MS beat this disease. David assembled a team around him, including his training partner and personal trainer, his sports medicine doctor, a gym owner and others who saw the importance of what David was attempting to accomplish.
While exercising may seem extreme for patients knocked flat by symptoms of numbness, pain, lack of coordination and extreme fatigue among others, evidence shows that exercise actually improves strength, balance, mobility and overall well-being and reduces the effects of MS. Nationally, however, only a small percentage of MS patients participate in an exercise program, but that number is growing thanks to people like David and his MS Fitness Challenge program. Certified trainers now implement the MSFC program across America and the world. MSFC also gives out useful information via websites and social media such as the MS Fitness Challenge Gym Facebook group.
David has also partnered with Shanna Ferrigno in ‘Every Rep is a Step’ program. This program focuses on mindset, exercise, nutrition and alternative treatments for MS. The vision of MS Fitness Challenge is that this fitness program would become part of the standard of care for individuals battling this disease. MSFC is leading the way and David is the front man. Apart from David’s recovery using the MSFC program, here are some more testimonials:
1-Mind is in the right place
2-Customized nutrition and supplements
3-Correct Exercise program
Exercise helps reduce the severity of symptoms and it stimulates the brain to create natural painkillers, or endorphins.While gaining weight is more common with MS, weight loss and muscle wasting can occur in advanced and serious cases. People who experience muscle loss usually have symptoms severe enough to limit mobility. Exercising and eating well can help you avoid losing muscle mass, and increase energy levels.
Here’s an example of a great upper body exercise for an MS patient who is in a wheelchair.
“I cannot think of a better expert to bring this program to life than a man who lives these challenges every day. Despite his battle against MS, my friend David has beaten the odds and inspired millions worldwide with his resilience to not allow an incurable disease control his life. He has worked with people across the globe in helping them achieve their goals in fitness in spite of MS thanks to his charity, the MS Fitness Challenge.” Daymond John, Star of the hit TV series Shark Tank/entrepreneur “I’m amazed how much David has given back to MS, especially with the MS Fitness Challenge.” Lou Ferrigno, TV/film star and fitness icon.
The question often arises: Why would God allow disease of any kind? Many do not agree with a Biblical narrative in post-Christian America, but in the end the Bible gives us the most rational explanation of what we see today. The effects of sin (death, disease, corruption, wars, famines, greed) have left a mark on the universe until Christ returns. Jesus said “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10. Through death on the cross, Christ not only provided for eternal life but healing in this life. ‘By His wounds we are healed’ Isaiah 53:5. ‘For I am the Lord that heals you’ Exodus 15:26. ‘Forget not all His benefits. He forgives all your sins; He heals all your diseases’ Psalms 103:3. God heals today through prayer as we speak in faith.
Here are some documented cases of God’s healing MS:
Almost 13 years later, David is now recognized worldwide for his accomplishments for and with MS. David went on to co-found the MS Fitness Challenge (MSFC) charity with his wife Kendra who is a registered nurse. He is the faith based author of ‘David’s Goliath’, a writer for Everyday Health and speaker/writer for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Other achievements include: Health Advocate of the Year Award with Lou Ferrigno (2013), Health Advocate Lifetime Achievement Award from Arnold Schwarzenegger (2015) as well as the Lifetime Fitness Inspiration Award in Feb 2016, next to bodybuilding legend Mike Quinn at the Global Bodybuilding Organization’s International Fitness Expo. In 2017 David received the Special Recognition Award from the National Fitness Hall of Fame and later in the year he was honored as a Founding Partner of the organization’s Institute for learning. In 2019 he was inducted into the Hall of Fame as the only fitness expert with MS to ever do so. David is considered the face of MS and fitness worldwide and his fitness book, Everyday Health & Fitness with Multiple Sclerosis was a #1 New Release on Amazon while his MS Fitness Training Specialist certification partnered with the National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT) educates trainers internationally on how to work with MS clients. David is also the Senior Fitness Director of MS Workouts . Lyons has appeared on Good Morning LA, FOX News Orlando and other TV and radio shows nationwide as well as in print media. has released a feature on him and the MSFC. David is a man of faith, and does not let MS define him or hinder him on his road to success and living a full life.
David’s work and others like him are an example of following Christ’s second command “love others as I have loved you”. Pure religion isn’t talk. We are tired of that. ‘Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’ Jesus said. When we help others, as David and others in MSFC are doing, we are fulfilling this command.
David’s words: ‘Every day I thank Him for what He has done in my MS life and how He has used me to positively change the lives of others with MS through fitness. This journey is NOT about me but about the power, love and grace of my Lord. It is His strength that gives me the ability to do what I do despite MS. I have 2 Timothy 4:17 tattooed on my arm so people can read it and ask, what does it say? It gives me the opportunity to send everyone to His word!’