Speak In Faith

‘You probably need surgery’ words I didn’t want to hear from a doctor in a cold, sterile, west Toronto hospital office back in the summer of 2014.  I shrunk back for a moment until I chose to speak in faith:  ‘No, I won’t need surgery.  God will heal me’. Silence came into the room, you could hear a pin drop.  My response was not what most doctors expect to hear.

After years of wear and tear from bodybuilding & heavy weight training, I was diagnosed with a severely herniated L4/L5 disc that left me unable to walk for two months.  I was reduced to crawling around my apartment while losing strength and twenty pounds of body weight.  I could take only a few steps before I would have to drop down to the floor with excruciating nerve pain shooting up and down my lower spine and leg.

By getting God’s word deep into your spirit and speaking in faith, God’s power is released to change things in your life according to His will.

Near the start of the injury, there were moments and hours when I felt fearful, yet I resisted those emotions by praying to Jesus Christ, reading healing scriptures and hoping for answers.  We walk by faith, not by sight. Suddenly, something changed a few weeks after my visit to the doctor who spoke of the surgery.  I took my first walk of about thirty yards and then I began to cry out with hope, joy and praise to God almighty.  I was healed and began walking fully again within another few weeks.


I look back on what happened to me in the summer in 2014 and I believe that my healing was from God answering prayer and from speaking in faith. God can do some amazing things when we speak in faith & trust in Him.  If you look at Mark 11:23, Jesus said:  ‘Have faith, and whoever speaks to the mountain go throw yourself into the sea and doesn’t doubt but believes those things he said will happen it will be done for them’.

I’m not advocating that you refuse surgery, but go to God first and speak in faith.

By getting God’s word deep into your spirit and speaking in faith, God’s power is released to change things in your life according to His will.  Maybe I’m writing to someone who needs healing, or who has a medical condition or who needs drastic improvements to their health.  Pray, wait on God, have faith, and speak words of faith.

I’m not advocating refusing surgery if your faith is weak or your back is against the wall and there’s no other option.  How about going to God first, going to our creator and speaking in faith?  How about having faith, saying to the mountain, go throw yourself into the sea and not doubting but believing those things we said will happen will be done for us like Jesus told us to do in Mark 11:23?



I cover the Lord’s amazing healing of my back and other topics on my first WDCX 99.5 FM Buffalo-Toronto interview with Robbie Raugh on ‘The Raw Truth’:  

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