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By Brad Bloom, Publisher

Sometimes you can be pretty stupid bad and it won’t make much of a difference. Or does it?

When I was in my 20’s, living in Chicago and doing my internship with a film production company (yes motion picture film) I once had a rather interesting lunch. I call it the lunch of addition.

I went to the grocery store and purchased a 6-pack of Three Musketeers candy bars – six full size bars! I was really hungry and they are really tasty AND I rationalized, “I’m an ectomorph.” Upon finishing the first one I immediately opened the second. They must have been freshly manufactured because the whipped nougat was incredibly fluffy. Once I was eating the third bar I focused on the rich chocolaty flavor. Should I? I mean four bars really is out of control. At the end of it my bad boy logic kicked in – might as well go for five. What kept me from eating the sixth? Perhaps it was the fact that I was low on money and should save some pleasure for the next day.

1+1+1+1+1=5. Five was the sum of what I consumed and I’d be lying if I told you that Three Musketeers Bars are the only thing that have ever consumed me in a really bad way.

When you finish reading this article listen to the song “Refiner” below.

In the years I’ve been doing Faith & Fitness Magazine I’ve had a close look at the fitness and bodybuilding culture. Many people in it have become totally consumed working out relentlessly, spending money on supplements and memberships and apparel and more, staring way too much in the mirror and taking selfies like they just can’t get enough, relentless competitions and the brutal training that goes with it, diets, injections, steroids, reductions and augmentations, tans, extreme weight, spotters, loud attitude with plenty of cussing, aggression, injuries, surgeries, disregard for others – even those closest to them … and this sentence could just keep going on and on.

Want to see one of the stars of the show? IFBB pro bodybuilder Franco Santoriello knows how low he can go. He died from a drug overdose and then when he got thrown into prison most everybody forgot about him. But he had to keep living with himself even through the deepest despair that made him want to try and take his own life.

See where this conversation on consumed is going? Don’t be so sure.

Attorney Michele Vigelance was consumed practically from birth in a very different way. Call it human error. She saw the loss of her eye as THE thing that would forever change her life. It had to. It was her perverse destiny. Even fitness wasn’t enough to change her mindset. Stories like hers make us question WHO could ever contribute to, encourage and positively influence those and others who are overwhelmed or simply need hope.

What’s the sum? The conclusion of consumed? Pretty bleak if we stop here and let’s face it we often do because we’re caught up in our own survival or success stories. But – let’s add another layer. Something so stupid bad (in an incredible and beyond understanding kind of way) that it makes all the difference.

God – in YOU – in a totally out-of-control consumed lifestyle. That’s not reckless or obnoxious spiritual narcissism. And- Its certainly not self-righteous masochism.

Both fitness and faith begin with desire – a strong compulsion for something more. With effort you can discover the joy of consistency. Yeah, sure that’ll happen in your own personal physical fitness. But far more urgent is your need to be consumed with spiritual fitness (your strength to continually be yielded to and shaped by God’s Spirit).

Only in God can you experience total power. Beyond your limits lies devotion, when you’re “all in”! It’s time to add to the relentless commitment to a healthy diet and the insane determination to train. Obsession blows up to a whole new level when you give your life totally over to God to daily do the good work.

Being in the top 1% is nothing compared to this.

Train strong in Christ,

Brad Bloom, Publisher


I pray the words of this Publisher’s Letter both encourage and challenge you to pursue after God with greater passion, deeper conviction and an aching to be refined by God consuming fire. TAKE YOUR TIME to listen now to the song Refiner below by Chandler Moore.

While you listen to it the first time I encourage you to simply be quiet, focus on God, worship and let your spirit be affected by God’s Holy Spirit.

Then, listen to it later and type some of the lyrics into a text message to send to yourself so that you can refer to them and use them as you pray in the days ahead.

Finally, I challenge you to listen yet again to this song on your way to the gym, during a meal or snack and while you walk/run/bike or however you exercise. I really believe that as you sing along and make it your earnest prayer, “I want to be consumed”, you’ll position yourself for a powerful and personal encounter with God.

It’s my hope that at some point you can share with others that experience and the growth it brings with others via your own social media post. When you do be sure to add the hashtag #dailydevotionaddsup so that others can more easily find and read it.

Listen here:



When I think of consumption I think of the old adage, “garbage in, garbage out.” If I want to maximize my “output” as a Christ follower being the hands and feet of Jesus, then my “input” has to involve consuming God’s word and walking in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Be consumed by the Word, not the world. “Thy words were found, and I did eat them.” ~ Jeremiah 15:16

– Ted Hospodar, Branches Church Community Pastor


I totally relate to eating too many “Muskateers”! I sometimes get consumed with sugar in general. Open a package of cookies and game on! My self-discipline gets thrown out the window. God has been speaking to me about more time with Him. Even though I have the discipline of spending time every day in the Word and prayer, sometimes it can be dry. Being consumed with God should be a 24-hour goal! Thankfully He’s the all-consuming God and I am consumed by Him!

-Bruce, Michigan


As someone who yo yo’s on weight. I’ve found that until you first commit your goals to God and start seeing yourself how God sees you, you can’t get out of the hole. Secondly, I found that I need to write down my goals on paper and begin to claim those goals that align with his word. 3rd remembering that my body is a temple and he lives inside of me. Finally, I need to keep my eyes on my goal by Looking at it and speaking it out everyday, and I’m already seeing results.

-Julie Niemchick – Crime Prevention Coordinator, GRPD


There is not much that consumes me. I have learned to be content, However, I am consumed with connection and the pursuit of not being alone. I love being with and around people and easily connect with most people quickly. I am currently in a season of isolation. God has taken most people out of my life for a while and I have found myself spending full days by myself. I am learning to be a bit less consumed with connection.

-Paul Kinney, Buyer Specialist, The Dowell Group Real Estate



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