I had the pleasure of speaking with author and former President of Focus on the Family Canada, Bruce Gordon about his newest project, a timely and deeply relevant book titled “As Long as I Have Breath”

His book is targeted for the 55+ population or anyone nearing retirement, however after reading it in its entirety I can attest to its spiritual and practical wisdom and insight for any age.
It addresses key topics like the challenge of our change in purpose, reevaluating what retirement means, as well as questioning the notion that our time on stage is done and we simply need to move aside for the next generation. Our relationships, identity and mental health are all impacted by this shift in lifestyle.
This book helps those in the thick of retirement or just contemplating it best navigate such a change.

A powerful statement in Bruce’s book struck me, he suggests that “retiring from a vocation doesn’t mean we retire from our calling.” Think about that for a moment.
I would challenge that retirement is not the state of perpetual self-indulgence or endless entertainment, each of you have a wealth of experience and immense value. Do not take this the wrong way, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the fruits of your labor, spending time with family, or doing a little bit of nothing. Yet remember as followers of Christ our mission does not end as we drive off the company parking lot one last time. If anything, it offers the opportunity to accelerate it in some ways.
In “As Long as I Have Breath” there are inspiring and challenging stories of what some have done with their retirement and even time before retirement. Everyone’s situation of course is different, but the stories will get you thinking.
Point is you were created for a purpose, to experience meaning and yes, adventure. The idea of modern retirement and resting on our past success is not a concept found in the Bible. Periods of rest, ok, but years of not working, not engaging, or utilizing the talents, gifts, and unique experiences only you have? No, my brothers and sisters, you were made for much more and will be substantially blessed for taking the better course. This book will help show you the way.
Excerpt from Week 19 of As Long As I Have Breath
My father taught me to love the Psalms. Psalm 71 was one of his favorites; he underlined and marked it in his Bible, which I now own.
Dad would say to me, “Christians must always be ready for the possibility that God will unexpectedly act in their lives, regardless of age, and suddenly they are again on adventure with Him.”
The Old Testament is full of these stories of God calling men and women into adventure with Him—even to old age and gray hairs. Here are five lessons we can learn from these accounts:
- God intervened in unexpected ways in their lives. He still does this today.
- These men and women maintained their identities with all their own strengths and weaknesses. God used them in spite of themselves.
- Many of these men and women were senior in years and still active.
- These men and women continued to be open to learning.
- These men and women prepared for death and had trust in God. They believed that death was simply a door that they would pass through; they were not afraid of it.
Did you notice the action words in these five points? The men and women God called into adventure were active, open, and prepared. Take a lesson from their example and remember that we never retire from our God-given calling. Your calling will stay with you until God takes you to be with Him.
Taken from As Long as I Have Breath by Bruce Gordon. Copyright © 2021. Used by permission of Focus on the Family. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries.
This calling is one of the main reasons why I love helping older adults exercise and stay fit. You are not done and the stronger and healthier you are physically, the greater capacity you have to accomplish wonderful things.
Enjoy the interview with Bruce and grab a copy of his book, As Long As I Have Breath.
-Dino Nowak
Editor 50+ Department Editor, Faith & Fitness Magazine
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