We’re ready to make 2021 — Magnanimous. Are you? We’re filling every issue of Faith & Fitness Magazine with one-of-a-kind content you won’t find anywhere else. AND – because we have departments exclusively for women, men, families, college-aged and older adults there is something for everyone who wants to discover how making faith in Christ central to a fit lifestyle is — well, MAGNANAMOUS!
Magnanimous: indulgent, generous, munificent, unstinting and forgiving.
This year we challenge you to dig into this magazine and network more than ever before. But, don’t just “like” our posts and find great new friends to “follow”. This is a community that’s ready to be generous [giving more than expected] with ideas, prayer, support, motivation, and yep an indulgent [excessively pleasurable] amount of passion to help you grow physically and spiritually strong. So connect directly with our team, authors, featured guests and readers. Discover the joy of doing personal fitness ministry in your community. Be the one that brings faith-centered programming to your church, gym or small group. AND – find one of our amazing events to attend that are munificent [larger than usual] in activities, fellowship, restoration, food and God.
Bookmark Faith & Fitness Magazine on all your devices, subscribe to our free newsletter and share it with your friends not just now but month after month. Take a look below to explore this year’s themes. Plan now to make Faith & Fitness Magazine your tool for powerful, healthy and passionate living to fuel your weekly workouts, your daily devotion and new opportunities to be the life of Christ to others.
Read the Bible passages that inspire this year’s Faith & Fitness Magazine focus, Magnanimous In The Making. CONTACT US if you have content contribution recommendations. Be a sponsor or advertise in one of our upcoming issues. Come back to this page throughout the year for updates to our upcoming issues.
Experience the rush of being unstinting [giving without restraint]. Measure the extreme capacity of strength that is forgiving [willfully gracious].
It’s time. Start your journey to magnanimous in the making.
Input – Get It AND Give it!
February/March 2021
This is your season to build some strong discipline and disciple someone to grow faithfully in Christ. Who trains or coaches you? Who simply speaks into your life? And, how do you decide who you’ll ‘block’ and who will feed you either words of life or death?
Now spin that to the other perspective: How do others decide to let you give them input AND what input do you give them? If you really want to talk about fitness then join in this conversation on what you need to do to be built up strong.
To really TALK fitness we need to have a conversation on how to be engaged, be more and be life with others. God designed us for input – to get it and to give it.
Be an active part of our community. Lend your pictures and thoughts to this issue with your social media hashtags #LetsTalkFitness and #AskMeWhatILearned Have a story to share? Text mystory to 22828.
Privileged – Yes, We are.
April/May 2021
Are these three statements true for you? I‘m alive. I’ve eaten food today. I have a safe place to sleep.
The bare minimum is actually quite adequate. When it comes down to it, most of us are doing pretty well. If we’d be honest, God has blessed us abundantly. Sure we each have a different journey, but we all have assets to manage and grow.
Exercise your muscles even a bit and you’ll have some strength. When you exercise your muscles regularly and increase the demand you can become muscular. Regardless though of how you perceive yourself, from scrawny to massive, you have the built-in capacity to move and do something good.
That’s not just an enthusiastic “Oorah!” to affirm our physical potential. It’s a call to muscle-up YOUR spiritual drive.
Ability + Choice = Privilege.
We may think we lack ability or the power to choose. The truth – – The Bible says you lack nothing! In fact Christ says, “You can do greater works than me – you can count on it!”
Privileged? Yeah!
Be an active part of our community. Lend your pictures and thoughts to this issue with your social media hashtags #URprivileged2 Have a story to share? Text mystory to 22828.
June/July 2021
We’re not advocating for an end to self-motivation. To the contrary, your physical fitness and spiritual maturity are squarely your responsibility. But, how many selfies do you really need? In the light of righteousness our pursuit of perfection can be — well, pathetically pretentious.
This isn’t a call for group-think or woke attitudes either. A team progress pic is so much more than a side by side comparison of you with your friends. We’re talking about showing evidence of divine evolution where God’s very nature is intricately at work in our transformation.
Quit imagining how teamwork and cooperation could look. Instead, as we sweat and pray together, we’ll see that the before and after don’t look anything alike and nothing like we could have envisioned. Get ready to be the progress built on God’s set of metrics.
Be an active part of our community. Lend your pictures and thoughts to this issue with your social media hashtag #TeamProgressPic Have a story to share? Text mystory to 22828.
It’s A Lifestyle
August/September 2021
Maybe you just like to workout. It’s your thing. Perhaps you’re afraid you’re going to die if you don’t OR — worse yet, die when you do!
Now forget about all of that for a moment because it’s time to quit thinking about “fitness” in terms of what you do, how often you do it and what results you hope to get. And by the way, that applies to anything else you do “religiously”.
Seriously, get a life – A lifestyle! It’s the WAY you live. If you’re a servant to the scale or your appetite OR to doing as little as possible it’s your mind that has too much weight. If you’re addicted to the spiritual endorphin rush of wellness, a fit physique or simply how fine you look or want to look then your faith is anemic and gaunt.
Everyday what you do and how you do it isn’t just what you do and how you do it. It is who you are and how you experience it. Make all the resolutions you want. Until you discover then do what God wants for your routine – it ain’t hapnin.
But, when your lifestyle is in sync with God, mmmm that’s a beautiful thing.
Be an active part of our community. Lend your pictures and thoughts to this issue with your social media hashtag #IdoITfaithfully Have a story to share? Text mystory to 22828.
October/November 2021
An amazing workout – The latest equipment – An all new way to diet, lose weight and build muscle — Again??? Let’s really do fitness on a grand scale. Like not just Texas Big (although that is big). Do life GOD BIG. Now that’s ambitious!
Let’s be attentive to the unique and expressed needs of each individual – even when it takes time for those needs to be fully expressed. Let’s innovate – not for the sake of being different, fresh or compelling but because it’s the best that God has chosen to use now. Let’s be more than exciting, profitable and successful. Know your purpose and nail your mission like you’re a stewardship freak. Resist fear, deny negativity of it’s demonic pursuit and rise above the same-o whatever you got this. All-in commitment is your relentless energy to obey the call to expand your range.
Easy? Are you kidding? Ambitious and demanding? Beyond! Worth it? This is the big one. Lose little – Choose Big.
Be an active part of our community. Lend your pictures and thoughts to this issue with your social media hashtag #IchooseBIG Have a story to share? Text mystory to 22828.
Superhuman Strength
December 2021/January 2022
“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”, decries the great and powerful Wizard of Oz in sharp contrast to, “I’m Dorthy, the small and meek.”
Hey we’re going to ask you straight up, “Show us what you’re made of? Do you have what it takes? Are you strong enough?” Before you answer hot shot you should know that we’ve already asked others the same questions aaaand — it didn’t go well for any of them.
Turns out we didn’t find one person that could boast of being incredibly strong. Not even kinda – sorta. Want to see what the blessings of sacrifice, sweat, pain, weakness, appetite, injury and failure look like? Yeah that’s right – BLESSINGS! These people lost every last drop of muscle – the ability to make their way by brute strength. They all found a force far greater than their greatest hopes and their strongest determination. In fact their frail limits zeroed them out to superhuman strength.
When strength looks weak be thankful. Your resting heart rate in God reflects the real pulse of your fitness.
Be an active part of our community. Lend your pictures and thoughts to this issue with your social media hashtag #GoAheadCallMeWeak Have a story to share? Text mystory to 22828.
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