Worship & Exercise Combined: Pray

Today we have the opportunity to consider how prayer can be an integral part of our exercise time.

The Bible gives us a short command in 1 Thessalonians 5: 17 It says, “Pray without ceasing” or, “Pray all the time”. Cool eh? Possible? More than you might think!

Currently when do you pray and how do you pray? Praying during exercise can be a dynamic experience. And, because a workout can last for several minutes up to an hour, it certainly can afford you a dedicated and measurable time for prayer – help you get a little closer to the spirit of “pray all the time”.

Prayer can be done as an individual, with one other person or as a group. Each has a different feel but all can be powerful ways to connect with God.


  • Talking with God (audibly or silently).
  • Listening to God.


Praying while you exercise is done the same way you do it at church or at home. The difference is that you’re moving your body (perhaps vigorously and with great effort). So, you’re probably breathing deeper, have an increased heart rate and may be sweating. That’s all good, and when you combine prayer and exercise you’ll find that the 2 together actually enhance each other. This is something author C.S. Lewis discusses. We’re not just spiritual creatures, our bodies are a means by which we glorify God.


Pray while you exercise in ways that God leads you rather than YOU working to create some model. Give yourself time to learn how you sense the presence of God when you’re praying. It may be different each time you workout. Don’t let what you think is the right way to be prayerful prevent you from exploring the simplicity and the subtle yet powerful ways God connects with you in your time of prayer.

Instead of trying to go from 0 to 100, take a few smaller steps toward praying while you exercise. That’s as easy as praying, “God help me to focus on you” as you get a drink at the water fountain. Don’t just pray for you, find your calling to pray for others who are working out alongside you at the gym. Sure, you can walk up to them and ask, “Hey, how can I pray for you today?” But, God hears your prayers even when they don’t. They don’t even need to know you’re praying for them. These are some beginning ways you can do God-focused prayer during your workout.


In today’s Worship & Exercise Combined group you’re encouraged to use the A.C.T.S.S. model of prayer as a tool to help you pray while we exercise.

ADORATION – This is the “getting in the zone” kind of prayer. Realizing just how incredible God is. It can and should be filled with praise and celebration.

CONFESSION – Is about coming before God and acknowledging the junk in your life. It is acknowledging before God our thoughts and actions. It is our opportunity for repentance. From a physical exercise analogy it is us recognizing the areas where we are weak and realizing where we need to get stronger. Confession is also about speaking and recognizing that the name of Jesus is above all things. Christ has authority and power over all.

THANKSGIVING – Our prayers of thanksgiving should certainly be directed to God. But, a prayer of thanksgiving can also take on a more tangible or physically demonstrated form of expression as we thank God among others for how He blesses us.

SURRENDER – You may find this aspect of prayer to be easy – especially when you’re getting tired from all the exercise: “I give up – I surrender.” A lot of times in the fitness culture, surrender is considered the antithesis of achievement, growth and goals. Pray prayers of surrender as you workout and discover all you gain by giving it all to God.

SUPPLICATION – This is the part of your workout where your prayer to God is the ‘ask’. Make your requests known to Him. Ask God for help with all the things that concern you, your needs and the needs of others. Also, ask God that you can imitate Christ, seek Him, be holy, that you can walk in love and live fully for God.

Developing a strong prayer life isn’t just about what you pray. It is especially about LISTENING to God not with your ears but with your spirit.


After the workout here’s some things you can discuss with others in your group. It’s helpful to share experiences, insights and questions about how each of us do worship and exercise combined.

  1. Regarding the exercise, the prayer or both together what did you find difficult/easy, enjoyable/frustrating, routine/different, etc?
  2. Describe a discovery or AhHah moment. Feel free to share how God spoke with you in the midst of your exercise and prayer.
  3. What questions do you have about prayer and praying?
  4. How has today’s focus on prayer affected the way you think about combining your worship of God with physical exercise?


  • Can you think of a recent situation where you felt offended? How did you handle it, and how might choosing patience have changed your response?
  • Think of a time when someone responded to you with grace? How did that affect you, and what did you learn from it?
  • How do you manage your own disappointments when people fail to meet your expectations? What might help you respond with more love instead of offense?


How To Pray During Your Workouts

Prayer Plus

Deadlifts And Praying All Night


Consider this song when praying prayers of ADORATION.
Consider this song when praying prayers of CONFESSION.
Consider this song when praying prayers of THANKSGIVING.
Consider this song for your stretching or post-workout recovery while praying prayers of SURRENDER.
Consider this song when praying prayers of SUPPLICATION.


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