Core strength is what you build by exercising your back and stomach muscles. It’s what’s needed to have good stability and do the many physical activities of life. But beyond “core strength” what’s really at the core of wellness? For those looking for a well-rounded beginning to their wellness journey, well to the core, by Robin Long, Founder of Lindywell presents a solid exploration into, “ten core components of an effective and realistic approach to healthy and balanced living.”
The hardbound book I reviewed is well written and beautifully illustrated. It’s very nice! The content is engaging, insightful and encouraging, especially for the woman who wants, “a grace-over-guilt mindset to release shame and develop helpful habits in every season of life.”
Robin Long is a certified Pilates instructor who has built a “global mind-body wellness company that provides Pilates workouts, breathwork and nutrition to help women build strength, reduce stress and connect with their bodies.” So, from this book you’ll get exclusive Pilates workouts, mindfulness exercises and recipes.

The ten core components are:
- reframe
- move
- nourish
- listen
- unplug
- connect
- rest
- breathe
- play
- choose
Each chapter in the book is dedicated to a single component. Together they are absolutely critical to overall wellness.
Chapter 4, for example is titled listen. The 15-page chapter begins by introducing the concept of listening to your body. Long says, “If this is the first time you’ve stopped to ask your body what it needs, this may feel foreign at first.” The chapter then leads into taking a closer and realistic look at the season of your life you’re in. What worked at one point may be different for now. She encourages readers to look less “out there” for solutions and learn to trust yourself again. She then breaks down the listening into 2 important practices: acknowledging and responding. She talks about how Pilates is a form of exercise that is particularly instrumental in helping us have presence, focus and concentration. Each chapter concludes with a Put It into Practice highlighted box of practical tips, which no self-improvement or instructional tool should be without.
From cover to cover you’ll find Robin takes you on a thorough exploration into what she’s discovered about each of these ten components.
Once you’ve done that you should be in a good position to explore how God can and wants to be central to each of these components. If you found listening to your body was foreign at first – but hugely valuable in improving your wellness, then you shouldn’t be surprised that listening to God may be equally foreign to you but certainly even more valuable in recovering from lies we’ve been taught and experiencing what’s really at the core of wellness – God!
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