The winter season for many is cold, hard and long. So, with each passing day as winter’s darkness gets a bit shorter and spring’s light ever so gradually stays longer each day, we gain optimism that, “spring is just around the corner!” It’s time to think about warmer weather, vacations and yes – getting in better shape. It’s time to add a little boing to your step, put a smile on your face, feel the sunshine, celebrate God’s goodness in your life and do some training with spring!
Joining a gym or a new fitness class is great but can seem overwhelming if you are just getting started in your fitness journey or returning to it after, “taking a break for a while.” Sometimes it is easier to ease into a new workout routine. Even if you don’t have a gym membership, or workout equipment, there’s a lot you can do to get moving. Fitness, or getting healthier doesn’t need to be complicated. Training with spring means going for a brisk walk, riding your bike, or playing a game outside with the kids. Training with spring also means doing a variety of workouts outdoors that you may normally do indoors.
Below are some simple ways you can get moving your body outdoors and get moving out of the winter blues. Once you’ve done these THEN it’s time for you to create your own fun approach to training with spring. But, don’t just create it for you, share it with the entire Faith & Fitness Magazine community. That’s right, tap the CONTACT US button below and submit a clear but short description of your workout and include a picture. If your workout is selected, we’ll contact you to give you credit and then we’ll update this article with your Training With Spring! Workout.
Ready? Let’s get started.

H.I.I.T. With Spring!
Contribute by Lisa Vasseur Jarvis
I have a simple workout that is my go-to when I am not near a gym, or my fitness classes. It is a H.I.I.T workout, or High Intensity Interval Training that anyone can do at home, out in the backyard, in a park with friends and others, in the church parking lot or anywhere! This type of workout requires no equipment and I feel it is one of the best ways to workout.
A well-rounded fitness routine will always involve cardio and resistance or strength training. This workout involves short bursts of cardio exercises alternating with lower intensity strength training exercises. You can go through the list of exercises one time, twice or however many times you can. It is a great way to burn a lot of calories and get your heart pumping in a very short time. Grab your kids, a friend or do it alone, but just get moving. Here it is:
- Begin with one minute of stretching.
- 30 seconds of jumping jacks (10 second break)
- 30 seconds of body weight squats (10 second break)
- 30 seconds of mountain climbers (10 second break)
- 30 seconds of pushups (10 second break)
- 30 seconds of high knee running in place (10 second break)
- 30 seconds of holding a plank (10 second break)
- 30 seconds of crunches (10 second break)
So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.

The Springtime Agility Ladder
Contributed by Melanie Mia
Melanie Miah, is a United States Navy Veteran. She holds a Bachelors in Exercise Science and is a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). Melanie is currently working on her Masters in Exercise Science with a concentration in Nutrition and Wellness. She is also in the process of certifying as a Les Mills Body Pump instructor.
My kids and I are excited to jump into spring this year! So, when Faith & Fitness Magazine asked us to share how we welcome the beautiful spring season we were all-in. We want to share one of our favorite activities to do together as a family.
The agility ladder is a simple yet effective way to promote physical fitness. We compiled a list of our favorite exercises using the agility ladder:
- Hop with both feet (down and back)
- Hop using one foot (down and back)
- Sprint as fast as you can, five times (down and back)
- High knees (down and back)
- Everyone chooses one square to jump in and out of as fast as they can for 1 minute
These exercises can be completed in a circuit and repeated four times or as needed. Sound simple enough? It is and the kids, well actually the whole family love it.
The agility ladder is a great exercise for kids of all ages. Older kids can improve their speed and quickness, along with preventing injuries during sports. The younger kids can benefit by helping them reach certain milestones such as jumping with both feet off the ground. It helps them improve overall balance and coordination. AND – it’s also a great form of training with spring for care providers, parents and grandparents, making this truly a wonderful form of intergenerational fitness.
We hope that this fun, family circuit can influence everyone to get out and have a jumping fit time this spring!
He made me sure-footed, able to stand firm and go in the right direction. You God, clear the ground under me so I won’t slip. You protect me and hold me. I won’t stop.
What Training With Spring Do You Do?
You’re springtime workout can be featured on this page too for others in the Faith & Fitness Magazine community to do. Just tap the button below and contact us to get started sharing your workout.