We made our way to the ambulance and sped out of the subdivision. Inside, the push to gain ground in the fight for his life continued: high quality chest compressions to restore his circulation, endotracheal intubation to secure his airway, tediously calculated medications to reboot his cardiac activity.
After a few minutes, we paused. In those intense several seconds watching the cardiac monitor and assessing for any signs of life, we reminded ourselves to breathe. Then, as the prognosis remained poor, the entire process resumed like an orchestra striking a single chord together on command. As sirens blared, we finally arrived at Georgetown Community Hospital.
My hands and arms, feeling the onset of fatigue, feverishly continued…
A ready team, previously notified of an incoming infant cardiac arrest, awaited us in the Emergency Department. Nurses, technicians and a physician joined in the harmonious effort as baby Finley’s small limp body, with attached tubing and cables, was moved from stretcher to bed.
Beads of sweat trickled down my face and neck now as I hung an IV bag and moved in to take control of chest compressions. Hospital staff and EMS huddled together over Finley like football players protecting a quarterback. My hands and arms, feeling the onset of fatigue, feverishly continued pumping the baby’s chest.
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