Lifestyle Media Group’s 2025 Themes
Ever heard someone say when they workout that their body is the temple of God? Maybe you had a conversation with someone while traveling who told you, “Our meeting is not by chance”. If you like growing flowers and vegetables don’t be surprised when a gardener looking at newly sprouted plants proclaims, “It’s a miracle.” Or, that outdoor enthusiast (who just did a triple I’ve-never-seen-anyone-do-that-before), smiles, puts praying hands together and then points to the sky.
What’s God got to do with it?
This year all 4 of our Lifestyle Media Group magazines will help you explore that often asked question – and hopefully help you understand more fully than you ever have before.
To help you know why God is central to the activities we all do (more often than we realize and certainly more than most media recognize) we’re focusing our fully online magazines this year on The Nature Of God. Together lets learn why, uncover how, celebrate the wow and pray that the nature of God can naturally flow through us.
Take a look below and see what to expect from Lifestyle Media Group in 2025.

Stop and Gooooo with God!
February, March, April 2025
The spring season is a time for us to anticipate, prepare, and set in place a vision for a good future. But, a future built on anything other than God ultimately falls short. It won’t work.
We often feel we need to try harder and be better. But, what we really need to learn is to be continually and fully dependent on Christ. Human nature (how we think and behave) and the nature of God are very different. The Bible says that if you think you have it made, if you’re satisfied with yourself – there’s trouble ahead.
The Spring 2025 Lifestyle Media Group magazines are designed to help you pursue a season of discontent so you can discover the nature of God and your identity in Him.
Discontent? That’s right, before you can anticipate, prepare and set in place a vision for the future you need to STOP! Stop being prideful, frustrated, dissatisfied, angry – and all the things that are clearly not of God. But also stop destructive imaginations, accepting of your shortcomings, not fully using the gifts you have – and all the other things we try to hide by pretending they are minor in God’s eyes. We need God to out us from both the obvious and the seemingly subtle – that’s called conviction.
Now is the time to realign your attitude, processes, goals and the desires of your heart.
Then what? Then God wants you to go. Go with clarity, focus and eagerness and follow Him. It’s time to live out your God-created identity. It’s the season to live generously and graciously. Be life-giving. Let God’s foundational words work deeply into your life. This isn’t a short little ‘go’ spurt. This is some serious gooooo… with God!
May, June, July 2025
Nope it’s not what you shout when a tree’s falling. It isn’t a brand of fitness apparel. Nor is it the cool new international destination to visit. And, if you’re thinking it’s some awesome garden tool to get at Home Depot, think again. Timbre (pronounced Tăm-bər) is a musical term: The combination of (or unique) qualities of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds. It’s how you easily identify the voice of your favorite musician singing.
We think timbre has a whole lot of meaning as you pursue a greater understanding of the nature of God this year. Whether your working out or getting outdoors, going on a trip or growing in your garden – your lifestyle passions gain deeper value and more lasting purpose when you can distinguish the presence of God.
This isn’t about imagining what it could be like when you include Christ in what you do. This is living on a different frequency, with a more purposeful pitch, a grace filled rhythm, a stronger harmony that crescendos into intimately knowing the voice of God.
More than living-the-life, timbre is hearing the voice of God and being the life of Christ in ways that only you can. Timbre – It’s the distinctive character of God present in you.
THIS is worship!
August, September, October 2025
How many songs should a church worship service have – 3, 5, 7… 17?! Traditional or contemporary? How loud? New tunes or the same familiar favorites? And, how much should the worship leader talk? These are just some of the top concerns church leaders and church attendees regularly find concerning.
It’s no surprise that 2 separate studies by the Barna Group show that people desire simplicity and difference-making in their spirituality and yet need help to understand what worship is and how to truly engage with God.
The Autumn 2025 issues of our Lifestyle Media Group magazines celebrate the simple nature of God and will help you discover how the lifestyle interest(s) God has given you can be a simply beautiful way to worship God.
What exactly is worship? If is the expression of love and devotion to God. The reason why we worship God isn’t just because God calls humans to do it but because it’s how you experience purpose and power in life.
We want to help you take your love for fitness, travel, gardening and the outdoors – your lifestyle interests and make them ways you pray, commune with God, fellowship with others, give of yourself, reflect, confess, proclaim, receive instruction, read the Bible and be spiritually expressive – all ways that you can do worship.
Sure, go ahead and sing songs of praise and worship. But DO worship every time you do what you do. THIS is worship!
Generous AND Extravagant
November, December 2025 – January 2026
The 2004 movie, Super Size Me, opened with a montage of a stretch limousine-Hummer, a gaudy mansion, a Walmart Supercenter, and a baseball field sized “World’s Biggest Cookie”. If you ever ordered a meal at McDonald’s and then got it supersized you know where this is going. Somewhere along the way generous got maligned by way – too – much!
Of course if you’ve ever mumbled sarcastically under your breath, “aren’t you generous” you’ve likely witnessed someone being stingy or someone who misses the whole point of generosity.
Our Winter 2025 Lifestyle Media Group magazines will help you understand that the nature of God (a nature that can and should be in you) is on a divinely different level that is generous AND extravagant.
Sure God wants you to be fit, go to amazing places, eat well and know the joys of adventure. God wants to give it all to you generously for good reason: So that you can be the conduit of God’s goodness to others. Persist when it’s painful. Venture where you wouldn’t. Obediently sew into others even when…?! That’s generous. Then wander beyond your usual and find your purpose outside your ordinary. That’s extravagant.
Generous AND extravagant – is who God wants you to be. Beyond what’s obvious to you, discover what God’s put in you that you didn’t even know you had – THEN be especially generous with that.