1. What makes the male culture so driven by ‘attitude’? Return to page 1 and look at the six motivational messages. How do they speak to you and how would they read differently if they instead promoted a focus on God?
2. Use the link and read James Allen’s writing The Might Of Meekness. How does it challenge you in your faith journey? What Bible passages and instruction can you use to guide you to be a man of meekness?
3. What perspectives do all the men who share in this article have in common? How would you encourage each of these men if you had the chance to do a gym workout with them and enter into that ‘spiritual gym’ with them? What questions would you have for them? What is your life story on this topic?
For more related content go to our CHARACTER STRENGTH department and also read the February/March 2016 issue of Faith & Fitness Magazine.