The Main Goal

My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ. Colossians 2:2 (NIV)

Are your goals getting in the way of the main goal?

Before we get too far into the new year, let’s take a moment to consider that question. 

We were created to have a relationship with Jesus and to share His love with others. The main goal: Love God. Love others. 

I spent years pursuing a different goal. I loved Jesus, but I was consumed with my own life. My main goal was to lose weight. I wanted to look good by the world’s standards. Instead of pointing others to Jesus, I wanted people to look at me and admire the work I’d done to lose weight. 

You see, I felt insecure and lacked self-confidence. I believed that if I lost weight, people would notice me. Then, I’d feel better about myself and be able to confidently walk into a room. But I learned that confidence doesn’t come from our outward appearance. Confidence is an inside job. 

God loves you and me just as we are. He created each of us uniquely and said, “It (she) is good.” (See Genesis 1:31.) Our confidence and security needs to be in that truth. 

There’s nothing wrong with setting goals and pursuing health and wellness, but we can’t let those goals take the place of the main goal. We must start with loving God and loving others. Once we get things in our lives in order, then we can pursue other goals without letting them get in the way of what, and who, really matters. 

If we want to go with God this year, let’s pause for a moment and evaluate our goals. 

~ What is my main focus? 

~ How do I spend the majority of my time? 

~ What’s on my mind most of the time?

~ Where does my motivation come from? 

Goals start with us getting clear on who we are, what we believe, and connecting to our values.

Our goal to be healthy must be motivated by a desire to embrace our age and stage of life so that we can live the life God has for us right now, loving and serving those He’s placed along our paths. 

Action Step

Stop and evaluate your goals. Have you let anything get in the way of the main goal God has for your life? Don’t let the world’s standards distract you from God’s purpose for you. Once you get focused on that purpose then you can go with God!

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