In recent years, the value of “core” training has risen in the world of sports performance. This is understandable, as a strong core can help you perform better, no matter what sport you play. Whether you want to jump higher, accelerate faster, drive the ball farther or hit harder, it all begins with training the core muscles. But, before you hit the floor and start doing hundreds of crunches, you should know that the core involves more than just your abdominal muscles. In fact, your core is made up of all muscle groups that aid in stabilizing your spine and pelvis. These groups include your abdominal, back, hip and upper leg muscles. The key to core training is to activate these muscle groups by creating resistance or instability, which causes the core muscles to respond.
In sports, very few movements involve isolating a single muscle group. Instead, your muscles work together for maximum performance. A strong core provides a solid base for all movements. It is only after your nervous system anticipates movement and stabilizes the spine that your arms and legs can produce force. In short, a strong core will allow you to harness more power. The result is more efficient movement, improved balance and more explosiveness. Also, your core muscles aid in shock absorption and reducing the risk of injuries, especially to the lower back.
There are many different ways to improve core strength. One method involves performing routine lifts while adding instability by using an exercise ball. For example, change up your workout periodically by performing a DUMBELL CHEST PRESS on an exercise ball rather than a bench. Simply sit on the ball with the weights in hand. Walk your feet out until you are lying flat with the ball underneath your shoulders. Remember to keep your hips in the air, resulting in a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. This ensures that your core muscles are being activated. From this position, lift the dumbbells from chest level to straight out in front of you, touching at the top of the exercise. Then return the dumbbells slowly to the starting position and repeat. Perform eight to twelve repetitions. The weights used will be slightly lighter than if the exercise was performed on a bench.
Another great exercise is the ABDOMINAL BRIDGE. This is a static exercise, meaning there is no movement involved. Start in a face down position and balance on the tips of your toes and your elbows. The goal is to maintain a straight line between your heels and your head by tilting your pelvis and contracting your abs. Start by holding this exercise for thirty seconds, and increase time as you progress.
To strengthen your lower back, the SUPERMAN is an excellent exercise. Start by lying face down with your legs together and straight. Your arms should be extended overhead. Keeping your limbs straight and your torso stationary, lift your arms and legs simultaneously up in the air. This will form a slight curve in your body. Hold this position for thirty seconds. To mix it up, you may also try fifteen to twenty continuous repetitions of a three-second hold.
The LUNGE AND TWIST is an exercise that involves multiple movements. Start by standing with your feet together, holding a medicine ball in front of your chest. Begin the exercise by stepping forward with one foot. The step should be two to three feet forward and it should create a ninety-degree angle at the front hip and knee. Do not let your front knee extend past your toes or inward. Also, your back knee should come near the ground, but NEVER touch. As this motion is occurring, swing the medicine ball across your body toward the forward leg (i.e. If your right leg is forward then swing the medicine ball to the right). After each repetition, push off the front leg back to the starting position and switch legs. Perform eight to ten repetitions each leg.
The Bible clearly tells us that God is our “Core”. We are to be firmly planted or grounded in Him. If we look to things of this world for support, we will go nowhere. It is only in Jesus Christ that we can find the strength we need for our lives. Why is this so important? Just as we need strong core muscles to produce power, we need to rely on God for strength every day. He promises to provide us with everything we need if we trust Him. All we need to do is accept His grace and all the blessings He provides by believing in Him. God said that if we have a faith even the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains! Now that’s power!
It is important that we constantly evaluate our relationship with God. Am I firmly connected to Jesus Christ? Do I rely on Him or do I look to myself for daily strength? Every day is an opportunity to build our relationship with Him. And the way to strengthen that relationship is to always be in contact with God. A short Bible verse says, “Pray Continually.” It is during this time in prayer that we can give our burdens to God and ask for His help. God then speaks to us through the Bible. We are told in the Bible that when we seek Christ, we will find Him. It is great assurance to know that He always has an answer for us; even though it may not always be the answer for which we are looking or expecting. What is the result of staying connected to God? We will bear fruit. We will have more joy in our hearts. Our relationships will improve. Our faith will grow. We can share the love of Jesus Christ with everyone we meet!. The key is to remember to keep God in the center of all we do because He is the source of life. Keep God as the center of your attention.