Atta boy! You go girl! We all like a good affirmation. Then like an Olympic athlete who uses performance enhancing drugs we get hooked on the high that’s a lie. It’s human nature – a sinful nature at that to push the edge of the envelop by being the self-made super hero.
Determination perverted. Potential compromised. Success that steals the victory. “All I want, is to be the best I can be” is either a mature and humble commitment or a juvenile and stubborn arrogance.
God wants you to push and push hard. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact it’s you by God’s design, which is why we must pray and be on guard that our “can-do” doesn’t get corrupted. Attitude isn’t everything – God is. When you let dogged boldness be the pervasive part of your routine you miss the finer work of obedience.
Originally introduced in 1942 cartoon studio executive Paul Terry introduced the Mouse of Tomorrow. Renamed to Might Mouse, Terry noted that the mouse’s power had a religious aspect saying, “When a man is sick, or down, or hurt, you say, ‘There’s nothing more we can do. It’s in God’s hand.’ And he either survives or he doesn’t according to God’s plan. Right? So, ‘Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.’”
Superhuman strength isn’t just a matter of keeping your mind and heart in the right place as you work, train and serve with diligence daily. You have to embrace a Bible truth: Your strength and prowess is never enough. You can’t force the things you want. The big and daunting challenges can only be overcome by God’s Spirit. The real prized strength is to understand that our greatest fulfillment is not achieved by might or power but by the Spirit of God alone.
So pay attention now Ethan Hunt wannabe – The impossible mission – The thing that deep down you’ve dreamed of being isn’t what you’ve idolized and it certainly isn’t what you think is marvelous and most definitely it isn’t something YOU ‘choose’ to accept – it’s your gift from God.
The world needs a hero, someone who is super strong. Let God speak to you. Only in Christ can you be strengthened and made steady to manifest true superhuman strength.
Train strong in Christ,
Brad Bloom, Publisher

Maybe it’s just an indulgence or maybe it’s a craving. Our appetite can be our weakness or one of the most recurring opportunities we have to draw on God’s strength.
Food is a big part of life. Let it be a big part of your relationship with God too.
Read Faith & Fitness Magazine this weekend and post comments in it sharing about how God is your strength in the weakness of your life.

Determination and persistence. They are great strengths to have. But when life’s challenges last longer, push harder, and push you down lower – then what?
We invite you to join in this conversation with the Faith & Fitness Magazine community and share your insights and perspectives on the topic of superhuman strength.

There is so much on the market that you can buy to consume as you work to build your body. What should you get? Where does it end? How much will you spend? What results (and side effects) will you get?
Do you need it or do you just think you do? Your real weakness may not be your lack of muscle or strength it may be you refusal to give your training to God. Do you ‘trust the process’ he is working in you or do you force your will for the outcome you demand?
Superhuman strength probably doesn’t look like you think it does. What you see on the outside isn’t just evidence of what you’re putting inside of you it also reflects your spiritual diet.
That’s truth that can be a tough pill to swallow. Will you?

Camaraderie, teamwork, friend…
You’ve heard the saying, “birds of a feather flock together.” Too often it’s true in our neighborhoods, gym, church, and social connections.
For some having someone who wants to exercise with them, make it both challenging and fun and then simply have a moment of friendly exchange is hard to find. Sure, ok it’s their weakness – – –
– BUT it should be your superhuman strength.
The Bible instructs those who love God to “make your election sure”. Don’t misunderstand. When the Bible say’s you’ve been CHOSEN by God it doesn’t mean, “lucky, fortunate and privileged you – You got picked but others didn’t.” It means God has given you the calling – the mandate to be Him on earth now toward others. All of us need to pray to God that we would be eagerly usable to be aggressively used by God.
The only PR God really cares about is the one that you can only achieve through Him.
THAT is truly elite strength and there are all kinds of people all around you that need you to exercise it NOW!