Science Vs Faith

In public places everywhere it’s interesting to observe spontaneous disputes arise over science and faith. Sometimes you’ll see it among a group or between two people. More typically you see the internal fight going on within an individual. Like a bruised street fighter he or she is left wondering if they can find true satisfaction. Be honest, you’ve seen the fight in you too.

I’ve heard the saying, “It takes more faith to believe there ISN’T a God than it does to believe that He exists.” It underscores the fact that it’s easy to blow off an unexplainable God with science. For many those first five words of the Bible, “In the beginning God created”, just doesn’t work for them.

So, you may find it odd that the conclusion of professionals who are constantly refining the science of health and human performance is “spiritual”. They say, “We know how to gain proper nutrition and cut cholesterol levels. We can help people achieve greater muscular strength and improved stability. We understand what it takes to reduce the risks of disease and increase endurance. We have very good science that works. BUT – we also know that until a person’s spiritual needs are being met, the physical science will not have a complete and lasting impact.”

This isn’t something you’ll hear only from a “Christian” doctor, nutritionist, personal trainer, physical clinician or other “Christian” professional. This is the conclusion of professionals who don’t believe in God. What does this say about science? What does it say about you?

Can we ever get “faith” down to a science? Most would agree that they seem to be mutually exclusive. Yet, as professionals have come to understand, there is a very certain and undeniable element of connection. It is something innate. It is a genetic code of a different order. Something that science can’t define in physical terms. Yet it has to be factored into the equation.

Some would conclude there. BUT, this is in fact the beginning point of a more profound and dynamic science. NO, it is not fiction. Faith has a core basis, very clear elements and (most challenging to science and Christians) infinite outcomes and results.

To get faith down to a science requires us to first change our attitude from passive to active. As long as we flippantly regard faith as some mysterious and self-conjured feeling, we can never pursue the source of it. Until we more thoroughly test and use the elements of faith we can’t begin to understand and appreciate their role in our spiritual development.

In this issue I challenge you to get both your fitness and faith down to a science. If your workouts are sloppy, now is the time to learn how to do it right. AND- if you’ve been sloppy with your faith, you really need to learn how to do that right. Don’t beat yourself up trying to choose one side or the other – it takes both. Get your faith and fitness down to a science.

Train strong In Christ,

Brad Bloom.



This article was referenced in the June 2007 Relevant Magazine article, Can Faith Help Curb a Health Crisis by Jesse Carey.


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