Radiate God’s Truth

radiate truth

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

What messages are you listening to? Who are you listening to?

We live in the information age. There is noise all around us. We are bombarded with information from radio to television to social media. Information is at our fingertips. Family, friends, and co-workers add to the noise. Everyone has an opinion about everything. There is nothing wrong with this. Some of the information and opinions are helpful. 

But, are you listening to messages that strengthen your faith? Do you turn off the sound when it is contradictory to what you know to be true and useful? Do you know what is true? The only way to know the truth and grow in faith is to stay in God’s Word so we can discern the messages that we hear all around us.  

A message of faith and fitness. It’s what you’ll find every time you come to this space to read a post or open the online magazine. It’s also a message I adhere to on my own website, challenges, weekly emails, books, etc. In these spaces, we apply God’s Word to fitness. That means that we have to spend time in His Word to know what He has to say about you and me, the children He created. It’s where we will find direction and purpose for our lives. The Word of God is the owner’s manual to our one life that includes physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. 

God’s Word has the power to transform us if we allow it to. If we open our ears to hear what He has to say to us through it. However, it requires that you become intentional with spending time reading it and monitoring the other things you are listening to. 

It’s coming at us all the time, but this time of year it always seems louder. What am I talking about? Diet talk. The need to become a new you in the new year. The messaging is intended to make you feel less than if you aren’t doing their diet or their challenge. They want you to believe you need to lose weight to live your best life. 

God’s Word won’t shame you or guilt you into anything. His love and acceptance of you is not based on what you do or how much you weigh. He loves you just as you are. When you start believing that truth and living like it, you’ll gain the confidence to care for your body in a way that is healthy and sustainable. 

To grow in faith, to live in freedom, to have your best life, listen to God’s Word. It is the Truth. Once you start doing that, you will begin to radiate that truth to others. 

Action Step

Be discerning about what you listen to. Set boundaries as to what and who you allow to speak into your life. Words are powerful. Go to God’s Word for truth and allow it to get into your heart and guide your actions. Be hardcore about this in 2024, and you’re sure to have a good year!

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