Play Safe – Take Risks

From a distance all you know is that in my hands my grandchild is safe. But from my vantage point I see eyes that reflect the trust, confidence and freedom in taking risks.

I learned to trust God not just without reservation but eagerly. I want to pass on that same passion to my children, grandchildren and others. Who do you identify as a risk taker? Do you self-identify as one of them?

Two of the biggest risk takers I’ve ever known are my parents.

My dad was an entrepreneur. My mom has always been a big dreamer. As youth leaders they did the unimaginable, inviting un-churched teens to fellowship with the regular church-going youth. They were kicked out. Not the teens — My parents! But the outing didn’t end there. A few years later my parents stepped out in faith in a way they never could have imagined they would. They moved our family out of the city and out of the reliance on everything familiar and comfortable into a life of total dependence on God. It was pivotal.

This Jeremey Camp song celebrates being ‘called out’ by God.

I was a young teen and adapted to remote country life by spending days exploring my big outdoor gym – the woods. I was a physically active frontiersman of sorts. As a family we daily learned the Christian faith by living it adventurously.

I don’t say that lightly. Adventures are tough and demanding requiring your ‘all-in and don’t think anything of it’ commitment. A lot of times I hated it — we all do. Jesus was our example for the times when God calls us out of the safe to take the risk of a greater adventure:

My Father, if there is any way, get me out of this. But, not what I want. It’s you — I want to know and do what you want.

By the time I was a junior in high school there was no swaying me. I had found an incredible truth:

Playing it safe is not 100%. There is no risk taking with God. Go with Him fully and your outcome is guaranteed.

This song SWAY by Lily Jo talks about being fully persuaded by God, following wherever He leads you and not being swayed by others.

How much do you trust in your own strength? To what extent do you focus on your appearance? Think about the amount of time you invest in your financial security, your personal happiness and the agendas you’re working. 

OK fine, most people won’t judge you for all the hard work you invest into you and the attention you give to yourself. After all, “I’m just trying to live life the best that I can.” We generally conclude there’s nothing wrong with that.

But that’s exactly where God goes against the grain of popular thought. Bible verses like, “There’s a way that seams right unto man but the end thereof leads to destruction” don’t seem motivational or ‘can-do’ at all. Good intentioned Christians, trying to make the faith-lifestyle easier and more attractive for themselves and others would be quick to label this proverb with #notmyjesus. 

In fact Jesus points us exclusively to God:

The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don’t fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. The way to life—to God is vigorous and requires total attention.

It’s easy to play it safe and default to our own wisdom, capacity, plans and reputation and have faith in God only when necessary. We may say that we don’t want to detract from God’s strength but we rely on our own and save Him for the extreme stuff. We find our safety in US rather than Him. We tell ourselves, “I’m confident in what I have. I know what I can deliver.”

Your world around you urgently needs to see what God has for them and what He can deliver. They need to see His strength, not your ability. They need to experience God’s grace rather than your keys to success. They need to know lasting wholeness beyond the fleeting endorphins of working hard and doing good.


It’s time for all of us to get to a deeper place in experiencing God.

Don’t be afraid. Put your total trust eagerly and passionately in God’s hands and enjoy the thrill of how high He lifts you.

The risks you take in following God are no risk at all. Life in Christ is unchained, wild and free. And THAT is how you truly play it safe.

Train strong in Christ,

Brad Bloom, Publisher


This 21-minute sermon by Pastor Walt Shepard of Christ Coastal Church in Southport, North Carolina provides further biblical perspective and instruction expanding on the Play Safe – Take Risks theme.

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