Michael Boggs – More Than Moved (2010)
Faith & Fitness Magazine: Looks like a Bible verse about “staying the course” is what you have chosen to be a main theme in what you do and your web site message. How did that become important to you and how do you live that out daily now?
Emily Lind: I look at my journey in life as being on a course. There is always going to be a different type of terrain. Sometimes the path is straight and clear leaving no guess-work as to where to put my foot next. Other times there are rocks on which I nearly trip. Knowing my true foundation helps me to stay the course. For me personally, the soil relates to my relationship with Christ.
Staying the course became so evident to me when I would come close to Christ then fall short in decisions I made for myself. As I read my Bible I’m reminded where I’ve been and how far I’ve come in all areas of my life spiritually, physically, and emotionally. I’m always working to improve all three areas of my life. I want the people who contact me to grow in these areas. Mostly, I am contacted for help with nutrition or training advice. I work to help people begin to realize that to make their lives more healthy long term is going to require “Staying the course”.
FF: It looks like being active and healthy has always been a part of your life. As a child your mother guided you in that direction. Share about your earliest memories of being physically active and how fitness played a roll in your childhood.
EL: From as long as I can remember, I would always join my Mother in her “buns of steel” workout videos. Our living room was very small but we always managed to work in the leg raises. She would speed walk nearly everyday – even when busy. Being active just seemed like the way you should live your life. Later, I had an interest in the team aspect of sports. I was always a social girl who wanted to be involved in many activities. My main sport was volleyball. I started playing when I was in third grade. Not being a natural athlete, it was challenging for me. Through extra hours, hard work and dedication I went from being on the “B” team to eventually starting on the varsity team. I coached youth volleyball and played all through high school.
FF: There was another side to your childhood – one of physical and verbal abuse that you witnessed. You say that changed your perspective on life. How so?
EL: Witnessing abuse at a young age gave me the heart I have today. I never understood how someone could harm another human being. Watching my mother be broken and fight for her life and (most importantly to her) her children’s lives taught me the true meaning of the word “love”. She went through a lot and yet always took great care of me. She let me chase my dreams. She provided the means for me to attend Bible Camp, play Junior Olympic Volleyball and guided me when purchasing my first home. I witnessed everything but love being taken away from her. Now older, I realize how much love I can give to others. Love is what we are and what God is. I’ve learned to be a friend to everyone without judging them.
FF: Is abuse something you get beyond or are there still life lessons God is showing you?
EL: I have been tested in abuse in more ways than one. First, the devil tried to have his way with me after graduating high school. Like many women I gained a few pounds and didn’t know how to deal with it. I developed an eating disorder. I found myself either eating nothing or everything. Late at night I would run miles to make up for my lack of self-control. I was abusing myself through eating. Though I projected confidence inside I was lost, confused, and lonely. Searching for something.
In the search of trying to find out who I was I found Jesus on a deeper level. I needed him. I used Bible verses and prayer to get me through this disease that attacks so many people. Through prayer, I met a women who believed in me, a dear friend who saw potential in me. My friend Lori Harder, a personal trainer, saw the pain and misery I was putting myself through to be “thin”. She referred me to “The Eat Clean Diet” by Tosca Reno. I fell in love with nutrition. I began to treat my body like a temple, through my relationship with Jesus Christ, proper training and nutrition. By doing this both physically and spiritually Christ’s love has given me confidence to be an example for others.
FF: In the area of physical performance, women often push hard to excel. Talk about how that can be a good thing but how it can also be a form of self-inflicted abuse when it goes too far and isn’t kept in the balance God desires.
EL: Setting physical goals will often lead to success in other areas of your life. It is important to keep balanced. Sometimes, we become so fixed on the main goal that we are trying to achieve that we forget to look at all we have. We forget to enjoy the simple things like a perfect sunny day. It happens to me. I’ll realize months have passed without speaking to a loved one or simply relaxing. We need to rest. I find when I put my energy and time into just one thing my course becomes rough and I fall short in regards to what God desires from me.
FF: You have come to realize that there is a big difference between being skinny and being healthy. Describe that difference. Why do people have such a difficult time pursuing God and instead pursue the more superficial things in life?
EL: Growing up I always strived to be “skinny”. In my mind, it was the look of beauty. When I wanted to be “skinny” I was unhealthy. For me, genetics was against me. Later I realized that combining good health with the body God gives you is the most beautiful thing a woman can do for herself. I think pursuing God becomes hard for people because it takes time to build a solid foundation. Living a Christ-filled life may not seem like fun to a lot of people. The world often appears to offer so much more. People settle for “quick fixes” to obtain happiness. We search for temporary fulfillment and later experience guilt. It is only when you pursue God that you find true joy. I have become more content with myself knowing who He created me to be.
1. In the morning don’t go directly to the computer or watch the morning news. Instead set aside time first to read from your devotional or Bible.
2. Avoid looking in the mirror and seeing faults. These are the things that ultimately take you away from pursuing God. Instead, look in the mirror and use words of affirmation to yourself like, “I am beautiful”, “Jesus be with me throughout the day”, “Thank you for making me unique”.
3. Never simply push through your day or workout. Instead be mindful of the sacrifice Jesus made for you. It will make your day easier. Find your strength in Him.
4. Don’t seek love in wrong places. Instead, express your love, as well as your concerns, to Him. This heartfelt communication with God increases your faith.
FF: What is your strength training and cardio plan and tell a bit about your diet too.
EL: My weekly training program consists of working each body part individually on a single day. I split my training by working shoulders, back, bicep/triceps together, chest, and legs. This helps me concentrate more specifically on each muscle, which is important for the fitness modeling I do. If i’m looking to build muscle size I typically fail between 4-8 reps. For muscular endurance I select a weight which allows me to fail between 8-15 reps.
My cardio plan varies depending on why I’m training. I prefer to do at least thirty minutes of high intensity interval training. For example, I will do a light jog for two minutes then sprint for one minute. I repeat the sequence for thirty minutes. I also make sure not to do the same thing all the time. I vary my workouts.
My diet consists of eating five to six small meals per day. This helps balance energy levels. I stick with organic, clean and healthy foods. I eat a balance of protein, grains, starches, dairy, fruits, vegetables and fats. My main food source is lean protein, mainly from IsaLean organic whey protein shakes, lean meats such as fish, chicken, bison, turkey and cottage cheese. I pair that with a good carb such as oatmeal, sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole grain wraps and Ezekiel bread. I also eat a variety of vegetables and fruits. Drinking water is key. I try to drink at least a gallon per day. It is vital for your body to get the right minerals and nutrients daily to perform at a high level and is key for recovery and a strong immune system. I also do a nutritional cleanse as a part of my regimen which removes toxins and combined with the minerals and organic shakes support my body to heal itself as God intended it to.
FF: You are getting into some competitions. Share about that and tell why you want to get into that kind of a physical performance.
EL: Everyone has their own reason for doing a competition. I do it for the journey. It is about taking your diet and training to the next level. People see it as competing against others. When I’m on stage I compete with me. It forces me to find my confidence in Christ. As much as this is about physical training it is so much more about mental training.
FF: Do you commit as much effort into your spiritual growth as you invest in your physical training? What have you recently learned about God and your walk with Him?
EL: This is where balance plays a big role. It is easy to let one override the other. I have to evaluate my time and prioritize my agenda. When I invest in physical training over my walk with God I make mistakes. To be successful I can’t do it alone. I have to keep Him the center of my daily life. In making mistakes you learn. Success comes from mistakes. This is good news! God is allowing me to have courage. A courageous mistake is worth so much.
FF: You are at a time in your life where you are really seeking God for greater purpose and mission. What is God calling you to do? Describe the big picture for Emily Lind?
EL: Seeking God gives me courage to be bold. I feel like I need to use the gifts Christ has given me. I am being called to be “salt and light” in a place where there is a lack of it. I feel God has placed me in this field for a reason. As an example I may speak at an outreach program for young women simply sharing my story and being a friend to them. I’m called to help other young women reach their maximum potential. I want to live out my life as an example of hope, love, and courage.
FF: Is physical training something that is really only going to work for women who, like you, have grown up with it from an early age? What are some things any woman must do to start living a healthier life for the rest of life?
EL: Pursuing physical training can be achieved at anytime of your life. It is never too late to be healthy. It might take a little more time for someone who has never lived out a physical lifestyle before. It is about creating the habit. I grew up with the habit of being active everyday. You must learn to need and want physical fitness in your everyday life.
It starts in the kitchen, we are what we eat. Start to make healthy dishes for you and your family. Be inventive. Practicing healthy nutrition doesn’t have to be boring. Keep a food journal and log what you eat. This will help you realize all the little “extras” you are eating. You can plan when you will indulge and have it be “guilt free” based on your goals. Secondly, get moving! Find something that you love to do that involves being active. Start with that and do it four to five times per week. Finally, make a vision for your life. What do you want? What is important to you?
I have created a board with pictures and scripture. It helps and motivates me. By selecting pictures and words that charge your emotions and passions you will begin to manifest those things in your life.
FF: How about spiritual training, do you have to be in peak performance before you can really start to grow in faith?
EL: Not at all, I’m always growing. There are always ways to improve. We all have weak points. Men and women grow in faith through the thickest of challenges, setbacks and failures. It is when I’m at my weakest that I am strongest. When addressing our weaknesses we need to find strength in Christ pushing through to break the area of challenge.
FF: In your personal training web site you say, “Find the you you’ve been searching for.” Is that a one-time revelation or a continual life-long discovery? How can women find who they truly are in God?
EL: When someone decides to live out a healthy lifestyle a lot of personal development starts to occur. People start to focus on their health and who they are. When they set out to achieve their goals through health they feel happier and more excited about life. People find themselves doing things they never thought possible. It is like viewing life from a different perspective. It should be a continual life-long discovery. There are always obstacles in pursuing a healthy lifestyle. They are physical, spiritual and emotional. But, there is always Christ, Keep Him in the center of your Life.
God has given me a sense of belonging even when I’m rejected by what feels like, the entire world. He has given me a purpose to serve others and an understanding that life is so much more than just about today. God’s love is not based on performance or beauty. It’s not based on position or abilities. Many times, we mistakenly think that if we could just do this or that better God would love us more. We think that if we just hadn’t done this or that God would in turn, love us more. The truth is this: God will never love you more or less…no matter what. His love is complete and you are the object of His heart. Let Christ fuel you everyday. Everything else you long for will fall into place with His guidance.