Discipline? No. I was sitting on the couch surrounded by enough crumbs to make trail mix, laundry spilling over and so many dishes in the sink I thought about just trashing them and buying new ones. I was like many moms, I assumed.
I worked a full-time job and then took on “second shift”, cooking, cleaning and caring for my girls. I sometimes even swung a night shift when someone was sick or had nightmares. It had been about 8 years since I’d had enough discipline to maintain a regular workout routine and equally as long since I’d cared about what I was eating or how much weight I was gaining.
Christ calls us to a disciplined lifestyle. Building good habits and doing them every time isn’t easy.
Tap the headings below to expand a drop down list and see what I was doing right and then how I gradually transitioned to behaviors that worked against me. Take a moment to consider how some of these same subtle transitions may be occurring in your life too.

5 ways I transitioned from active to aching:
- TAKE OWNERSHIP OF YOUR FITNESS: At one time I owned my own yoga studio. It forced me to exercise several times a day. Once the studio closed, I stopped practicing yoga and my muscles got tight and stiff.
- MANAGE AND KNOW YOUR FITNESS: I used to be really great at tracking my calories and macros- making sure I got enough protein and vegetables. Gradually I shifted to fast food and processed food because it was easier but easier isn’t always better.
- BE MOTIVATED TO TRACK TOWARD GOALS: When I have a goal it is easier for me to stay on track. After a while, I lost the motivation to do anything much less set a goal. When you fail to plan you plan to fail.
- SCHEDULE AND MAINTAIN TIME TO BE ACTIVE AND ACCOUNTABLE WITH OTHERS: Before having my second child I was active in our church volleyball league. My mom would watch Araceli while I went and played volleyball. After Lili was born, I just felt too overwhelmed with life in general to even think about scheduling time for volleyball so inactivity just became the norm.
- PRIORITIZE BEING IN GOD’S PEACEFUL PRESENCE TO REDUCE STRESS: Life is stressful, there is no avoiding it. I first began dealing with stress by taking long runs. Just putting on my headphones and heading out the door. Unfortunately, the road that I ran on became busier and quite a bit dangerous so I wasn’t able to just walk out the front door. Comfort food took the place of hitting the pavement.

4 ways my diet transitioned from satisfying to slop:
- LEARNING: Years ago I was really interested in learning about nutrition. I even took a few courses to be certified in coaching and nutrition from NESTA but when I wasn’t able to use my knowledge for any kind of income I had to put my “hobby” to the side and focus on my career.
- MEAL PREP: I was never a good cook but I regularly tried to have healthy meals on the table and clean snacks available for the girls. Then the busyness of life just caught up with me and I slowly transitioned to convenience, packaged foods.
- HYDRATION: I have never been a huge fan of plain water but I used to be more conscious about drinking my daily allotment. And then, I’ll blame the busyness of life again, it was easier to just grab a soda. And we were eating at restaurants more frequently and restaurant water just doesn’t taste like fresh Aquafina. It tastes more like lukewarm tap water.
- ROUTINE: My town of Springfield didn’t ever have any unique food spots and my breakfast routine was a home-cooked scrambled egg with a handful of blueberries. When the coffee shop opened up downtown it was too easy for me to swing by after dropping the girls off at school and get a large mocha and chocolate muffin. Then that set the stage for the day.
Was this it? Was this who I had become? I didn’t recognize myself. I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Quite frankly, I didn’t even know where the tunnel was. Since bringing home our first bundle of joy, my needs took the backseat and pretty much stayed in the backseat for eight years. I liked to blame a lot of things on my hypothyroidism but I would soon find out that much of my problem was just simply my own fault.
Sitting in my despair and frustration I cried, “God, what now?” It was Tuesday night and there was a Bible study going on at church. It was publicized as a group for those struggling with addiction, habits and hangups and of course I thought to myself I won’t be able to identify with any of the topics discussed but I just need to get out of the house and I need a moment to myself.
They offered childcare during the study and as reluctant as I was to go, it was part of God’s perfect plan.
Over the next hour, I listened to a lesson that “wasn’t for me” and while everyone else was singing praise and worship songs I was counting the blue and red squares on the wall just to occupy my mind so I wouldn’t cry. That night, God used my need to just get out of the house to reveal His perfect plan for progress.
I am an all-or-nothing kind of girl. Trying to casually work out or count calories just doesn’t cut it for me. I knew with my personality I needed a major routine overhaul. I needed a strict program with a timeline. I needed discipline. Solution? There is no stricter routine and diet than that of a bodybuilder.
So, when I got home that night after the small group Bible study I sent an email to a woman I had been following on social media. She offers coaching for women who are interested in competing in bikini competitions. There are very few NPC (National Physique Committee) competitions held in Kentucky where I live. When I checked the schedule, August 20th was the next show for which I would be eligible. That gave me roughly 180 days to get stage ready. The Bible verse Hebrews 12:11 would be my mantra for the next seven months.
“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”
I began my journey with my first coach and it was short-lived. She lived on the other side of the country and had a newborn baby. I was anxious to find a coach closer to home and someone that would be a better fit. God answered my prayer right in my own gym. I remember standing in front of the mirrors in the gym counting my reps and reading random things on the wall when I came across a sign “In case of emergency call Matt Edmonds, gym manager” This might not have been a typical life and death emergency but an emergency nonetheless. I messaged Matt and within just a few days he welcomed me to the Edmond’s team.
Matt was a perfect fit for me. The ideal balance of friend and “get your rear end to the gym” discipline that I needed. He redid my whole diet and exercise regimen and within 2 weeks I started seeing major changes.

My body was changing on the outside but more than muscle gains, on the inside I was experiencing long-needed transformations. I had more energy, I was more positive and happy, my blood work that is checked regularly for my thyroid was greatly improving and I had a new outlook on life in general. And beyond that, the discipline that I had been cultivating during my training was spilling over into my prayer life.
Through faith, weights and protein shakes, I stepped on stage on August 20th at the NPC Kentucky Open Bodybuilding competition and walked away with first place in my division. But my story doesn’t end there. God isn’t done with me yet. I had made so much progress in my health, overall well-being and personal discipline I realized I couldn’t just drop the dumbbells and pick up a Pop Tart.

I don’t practice my posing routine in heels every night because my training time now is dedicated to bulking and building muscle. However, I have continued to follow my meal plan and exercise regimen because I feel so energized, healthy and happy.
I have also had to have a few conversations with my daughters about how important it is for mommy to be disciplined, have some “me” time and take care of her body. You only get one body. As long as you have breath in your lungs God has a purpose for you and if you’re too worn out you can’t serve to your full potential.

I have conquered my first goal of many. I have strengthened my body and God has strengthened my mind. God has given me the mission to keep progressing and encourage other mommies along the way. What I’ve learned is I should never put God in a box or try to limit His plans for my life due to fear.
I pray that God will use my journey to encourage you as you become increasingly aware of the power of the Holy Spirit within you. As faith fuels your fitness, pursue discipline, enjoy the journey and live with purpose.