How are you feeling today? No, switch that because it’s not really about a ‘feeling’ – it’s who you ARE.
Are you angry, hurt, frustrated, confused, lonely, addicted, stressed, proud, poor, broke or broken?
All that stuff going on inside of you isn’t just your personal battle with some really bad junk that you don’t need. It’s exactly what is holding you back. AND – it’s not just holding you back physically but also mentally and emotionally and especially spiritually.
If you want to improve your mindset you need only search on Instagram to subscribe to any or all of the following:
- mindset.therapy – “You are the greatest project you’ll ever work on”
- motivated.mindset – “Its on you to get you where you want to be”
- mindsetofgreatness – “helping you achieve greatness in life”
- alphamindset05 – “never be afraid to treat people the way they treat you – mirror their vibe”
- juliachangcoaching – “unleash your inner warrior – bust through your fears”
Tony Robbins invites you to step into your power and become unstoppable. But mindset gurus in the fitness culture can help you go even further. There’s no end to the can-do, push-push-push, positivity, “til you puke’ ad nauseam coaching. That’s the good stuff on which you should feed and fill your mind, right?
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It’s not just the bad that’s bad, it’s the things we pursue with obsessive relentless desire that also hijack our mindset. Things like strength, beauty, money, success, advantage, acceptance, respect, position, influence, and simply happiness. Yeah, seriously they all become idols when we elevate them in our day to day life. If we’re not on guard we give them greater importance than God.
If it doesn’t point you to Christ, it’s a product of warped philosophies in a massively corrupt culture.
Both the negative things and the positive things that take you away from a selfish God are not of God. They have no place when God is present. They can’t be in you when God is in you.
Let’s get back to the really good news. God is the only one who can give you decidedly different tools to smash and tear down barriers and to clear away the obstructions. Through Christ alone can you achieve beyond you and everyone and everything else. Only in God’s Spirit can you truly be joyful, healed, encouraged, clear, befriended, grounded, peaceful, humble, wealthy, capable and restored.
What you want to be – all that God intended for you to be can’t until His son, Jesus sets you free.
This isn’t nirvana, an enlightened way of being motivated. It isn’t a higher state of mind, a can-do attitude that guarantees ultimate achievement and success. Mindset: Spirit Free is transformation through salvation empowered by God’s spirit filling you and dwelling in you.
This is better than your greatest physical prowess, gained wisdom, evolution to your fullest potential even magic. This is life in a totally different realm. It looks a lot different than any of the highly celebrated positive mindset outcomes that people are telling you that you need and want to have.

And if all that sounds a bit too ultra-spiritual for you (after all you just wanted to check out a fitness magazine for a few exercise ideas and wellness tips, right?) think again.
Self-improvement begins AND ends with self. Big gainz are big roadblocks to loosing everything you thought you needed for Christ’s sake. You can go further, get better, do more and live your best life OR you can BE LIFE – the life of Christ.
This is Mindset: Spirit Free. Pursue God and see His greatness.