Lose Fat and Sculpt Muscle Now

By Brad Bloom

I think the trend is rather widespread these days. People are cutting back on things they don’t need. In an economy that is going South fast, everyone seems to be trying to trim the fat as fast as they can. They may be selling a car, modifying vacation plans, eating less at restaurants, postponing the purchase of a big-ticket item… the diet is in high gear. In many cases it has gone beyond drastic. Home foreclosures for example are at a high. Yet, most would agree we haven’t seen the bottom yet. So get ready to tighten your belt even more.
Perhaps the Yo-yo diet routine has finally caught up with us. We’ve become quite skillful at inducing rapid change to achieve a temporary look only to return to a new level of never-before proportions. We’ve been fat in every way imaginable. We’ve had fat personal budgets, fat schedules, fat social lives, fat consumption and fat guts — to name a few. That means we’ve been carrying around a lot of extra weight we don’t need. It is physically, emotionally and spiritually killing us.
Let’s agree on one thing: losing fat and sculpting muscle takes a lot of hard and painful work. You can either try to fight it and complain or embrace it and make it something good.
We’ve loaded this magazine with a rich assortment of ideas, inspiring examples, fresh perspectives and practical resources to help you make this a very good thing. Here’s the faith perspective — Don’t “just diet”. God isn’t mean. Ditch the starvation attitude for a healthy eating approach. At the same time sculpt muscle – now! You can feel better, think more clearly, do more, be stronger and live that abundant life you want. When you lose fat and sculpt muscle AT THE SAME TIME you initiate an important principle. You actively resist the bad and intentionally pursue the good.
It can be easy to get downhearted and discouraged. Don’t let it happen. There are some really good times ahead for you. In fact they’re just around the corner. Let it begin today, this moment with a simple heartfelt prayer, “I want to lose fat and sculpt muscle now.” It’s a faith and fitness version of a prayer that Jesus prayed to God, “not as I will, but as you will.”
Train strong in Christ,
-Brad Bloom


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