Less is More

I have come to realize that the phrase ‘less is more’ is actually true, sometimes in surprising ways.

First, we learn from the eagle. It can strive against the wind across the mountain sky, but many times it perches on the high cliff and waits – testing the wind. When the right wind comes, it expands it’s wings and is lifted with ease unto greater heights. Less is more.

When I started weightlifting, like many other beginners I thought I would have to train muscle groups like biceps or triceps with dozens of sets every two or three days to gain strength. That is not so. Working out like that leads to chronic overtraining and injury.

John Rockman Johnson of Niagara Falls, NY has also discovered the secrets of ‘less is more’ training.  John not only lifts weights, but he is a natural rock lifter.  He trains arms really hard once a week as part of an overall program targeting all muscle groups and has made decent gains over time.  He keeps a typical bicep training routine of doing four sets of seated dumbbell curls, four sets of preacher curls and three sets of hammer curls once every seven days. We find instead of working out every day, three workouts per week covering all muscle groups once a week produce decent results with the right diet.  Harnessing, organizing and condensing intense efforts lead to more productive training and better results than endless, aimless workouts. Our first impulse to always do more is not the correct one.

Small, wise decisions increase with a multiplier effect

Less is more applies also to weight loss. Going on and off complicated diets or trying to starve yourself are hard, ineffective ways of losing weight. Repetitive, small decisions to reduce sugar here, trim a little fat there, or replace high-carb, starchy foods with fruits, green, leafy vegetables or salads help us reach awesome weight loss goals. Small, wise choices at each meal give us weight loss victories months later that we would have thought not possible. Alternatively, indulging in fast food and binging here and there lead to weight gain and poor health quickly.  Small, wise decisions increase with a multiplier effect. When we learn simple, effective eating habits, less gym and cardio time is needed to burn off unwanted pounds and calories. Now we have remained fit while carving out more time for the weightier matters of life – God, church, family, friends, volunteering and charity.

Trying harder in our own strength…doesn’t get the traveller to the destination

Now about the man inside, Christianity also gives us a surprise. Many believe trying harder to be good people in our own strength is the way to heaven. In one sense, trying hard is one step better than not trying at all, but it doesn’t get the traveller to the destination. We can’t get there by our own effort. This is a long road in the wrong direction to God. The Bible says everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.  The message of Christ begins to speak to us when we realize we’re at odds with the Creator.   The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.  We are ready for the moment God has been waiting for. We are ready to confess to Him: ‘You must do this. I can’t. You died to forgive my sins and to give me life. I accept you as Lord and Saviour.’ Jesus said  if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.  Those who put themselves in God’s hands will be perfected in wisdom, love and joy. They will also receive eternal life. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here.  Less of us, all of Him.

Less is more.

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