If you’ve exercised much at all you’re likely familiar with the expression “feel the burn”. Like many things in fitness there are differing opinions, almost always based on some “scientific evidence”, as to whether it is good or bad for you – something you should pursue or avoid. It is the feeling you experience when you intensely exercise a muscle. It was popularized in Jane Fonda’s 80’s era aerobic fitness videos as a motivation to help viewers work through the pain of exercise fatigue. Today you’re likely to hear “feel the burn” being loudly preached in a weight room, group exercise class, race or Cross Fit WOD. But, I want you to consider how this “feel the burn” call to push from the fitness culture can and should be replaced by you with a more powerful spiritual exhortation: #KnowTheBurn !

The difference between feeling and knowing isn’t just a matter of being picky with how we use words. You may feel badly for someone who recently lost a loved one but she or he is the only one who can know the loss. Painfully but quite honestly it’s in the knowing that we each individually fully have gain.

This contrast between feel and know is evident in so many areas of life all the time:
- It’s one thing to feel financially better – It’s another to know you are debt-free.
- It’s one thing to feel stronger – It’s another to know that you just lifted something or someone you previously couldn’t.
- It’s one thing to feel healthy – It’s another to know what you must do to to prevent disease and to finally hear from the doctor and know what it is to be disease-free.
- It’s one thing to feel hungry – It’s another to know what foods and how much of them are optimal for your health.
- It’s one thing to feel loved – It’s quite another to know unconditional, lasting and divine love.
I could continue. YOU should continue to examine what you know, how you know that you know it and why it’s more than a feeling. Then – consider how, with that knowing, you can make a difference, influence others and perhaps be the tool that God uses to help them discover and experience grace and know God.

By faith you get to KNOW God like those in the Bible knew God. But even better now, because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, your life transformed can be lived, free of junk, solid, radiating not just with thankfullness and joy but with the very power of God. That power isn’t a feeling, it’s fire. Fire you can know AND be! You’re not intended to be a conduit – a conductor of God’s power. God wants you to become the power. Can you handle that? Yes you can but only when you know the burn. Live a life that radiates only God. It begins and continues with saying, “I want you God.”
Train strong in Christ,
Brad Bloom, Publisher
Listen to this song as you exercise and worship God. Let it be your prayer as you pursue God and seek to #knowtheburn