As a woman in my fifties, the last thing I would have imagined would be for God to call me to start a community fitness ministry. However, that is exactly what He did.
God called me to begin a fitness ministry as I began to see a deeper need while I was working as a fitness instructor at a local gym. I saw a need that goes deeper than just physical fitness. We are all made up of a body, a mind and a spirit. We all need to be healthy and strong in each of those areas to live out the life God has for us.
God led me to [the Bible passage] Ephesians 2:10 where He tells us that we are His workmanship, created for good works that He prepared for us to do beforehand. We need to be ready and able to do and be all that He created us to be. I willingly obeyed His call with no preconceived notion of how this ministry would look. I found that when I surrender to His call and say, “Here I am; send me”, he works out the details. God gave me the vision of Faithfit [in Paducah, Kentucky]. A beautiful journey in fitness ministry began.

A few years ago, I walked into the gym where I participated in group fitness classes, like I did most every morning. This particular morning, however, God had a divine appointment planned for me. One of my group fitness instructors said something to me that God would use to set things in motion that He had planned. She told me of an upcoming training to be a certified group fitness instructor in our area and encouraged me to go, get trained, and teach a class. I decided to go for it and I am so glad I did.

I started teaching classes at the gym and fell in love with it. God kept telling me He wanted to use this as a ministry. I didn’t know how He would accomplish this, but I told Him, “Here I am. Use me any way You want!” One Wednesday night in church, God spoke to my heart that I should go to a local addiction recovery center called Lifeline and workout with the ladies and lead a Bible study. I had no idea if Lifeline needed or wanted such a thing, but I spoke with the director anyway.

I found out they had been praying for something like this for the ladies. We went and looked at the little chapel they have on campus as a possible space for the workouts. It was perfect. A stage in front with a large wooden cross on the wall is the focal point when you walk into the building. There are large windows lining both sides of the chapel, letting sunlight pour in. A beautiful space for a fitness ministry and workout class!

We then asked for donations from the community and generous donors helped us get all the equipment we needed. By this time, I had designed a logo and we were off and running. FaithFit is now a big part of the ladies’ recovery and healing from their addictions. Several groups of ladies have come through the FathFit program and I can see how God is using the workouts and Bible study to allow them to see themselves the way God sees them; strong, beautiful and confident.
While doing the workouts with the ladies at Lifeline, God continued to lay on my heart to take FaithFit into the community, as well as Lifeline. God had brought a good friend along to partner with me in this ministry and we began to pray about how and where we could hold the classes and make it truly a community wide ministry.
I didn’t want it to feel “churchy” or be affiliated with any one denomination. I wanted FaithFit to meet the need of helping people get healthier and stronger physically, spiritually and mentally. Not “religious”, but I wanted each class to exude the love of Christ to anyone who walked through the doors. I didn’t know where this space would be. I wanted FaithFit to be free of charge, open to anyone and feel free of judgement to anyone on any fitness level.
Finally after much prayer, I spoke with my pastor at my church, Heartland Church in Paducah, Kentucky. I told him my vision that I felt God had given me. He was completely on board with allowing FaithFit to meet in our church’s youth building. This space is perfect. We have amazing lighting, sound and plenty of room for a large group. God provided all the equipment we needed too.

A year and six months later, God keeps blessing Faithfit! More and more people are attending from all over the community and surrounding areas. The participants are from all denominations and some who do not attend church at all. People are getting stronger, healthier and more confident.
We have 13 group fitness classes per week with a team of many volunteers ranging from instructors to Bible study facilitators and a welcome team. We have all the equipment we need and plenty of space for both the workout and storage. All of the workouts are to Christian music and we have a practical devotion from God’s Word at the end of each workout that we call our “Spiritual Fitness Challenge”. Faithfit is such a Spirit-led ministry that is both worshipful and fun. Our fitness ministry is full of unity and amazing encouragement.

At Lifeline, I have worked with several groups of ladies going through the program. Many have told me how this ministry helped them greatly in their recovery of addiction.
God continues to show me that all He wants is my heart and a willingness to be obedient to His call. He provides the space and everything else I need. Faithfit is His. He continues to provide, lead and equip this ministry. It is quite the spiritual journey I am on watching Him work in so many lives!
Go back to Ephesians 2:10. God has called us as believers to live a life in obedience to His calling on our lives. We need to be ready. I encourage anyone who may feel led to begin a ministry like Faithfit, to pray big, be willing and just ask! Be open and flexible and watch God work. He always provides and equips what He has called us to do.

1. Lisa reminds us that we are all made up of body, mind and spirit. In what ways do you feel physical, mental and spiritual strength all come together to make a person whole? What “good works” do you feel best reflect your life and who you are? What “good works” might God be calling you to do in the future for which you need to train and be prepared?
2. Describe what you feel a “divine appointment” is and reflect on what that appointment was/is for you. How can you know when God is working out a plan through you? How do our plans as humans differ from God’s divine plans for us and others? When you get serious about doing something how do you behave? Discuss the outcomes when you apply that level of seriousness to your spiritual life.
3. Where and how Lisa did fitness ministry was different from what she originally envisioned. How about you? Describe a time in your life when things turned out different than you expected and what you learned from that. How can God help you to make wherever you workout to be a sacred space that won’t just build you up physically but spiritually too? Where else could you exercise that isn’t your usual place and how might that be of value to you and others?
4. What did you learn about the concept of “just ask” from Lisa? What is the “just ask” in your life right now?
11 Responses
I’m so thankful to have the opportunity to share about how God has orchestrated and continues to bless FaithFit! If anyone is interested in starting a Christ centered fitness ministry, feel free to reach out to me on social media or email! I would love to help!
The Faithfit ministry was the tool God needed me to find to renew my relationship with him! It has completely changed my perspective on fitness and how I take care of myself. The community are the friends I didn’t know I was missing. So thankful for them, and for Lisa’s willingness to say yes to those general nudges from God (it’s contagious!)
So thankful for you Andrea! You are a blessing to so many!
What a beautiful ministry that God has brought through Lisa Jarvis. I, personally am appreciate of this ministry because it has allowed me to step into mine and not just me but several others who are now able to step into theirs. Thank you Lisa for being obedient to the Lord.
Carol you are a huge part of FaithFit! You are a blessing to so many people!
I love that this article is called “Just Ask”! God is so amazing that He allows us to bring our requests to Him. He puts the desires in our hearts, uses them to build His kingdom, and equips us above and beyond what we can do on our own. When we submit everything to Him, He will bless it and use it for His glory! I love Faith Fit; it has changed my life! I am stronger physically, spiritually and have made so many wonderful friends!
Thank you Amy for saying yes to Jesus! So glad you a part of this ministry!
I was so physically out of shape when I started working out at FaithFit, just going thru the motions at Planet Fitness on the treadmill. I knew when I saw what Lisa was going to start up, was something I could really get into and hoped it would be what I needed and boy has it!! I thank God for this ministry to connect all 3 aspects together mind, put your mind to your work out and you get physically fit, spiritually uplifted and stronger all the way around! I just love the family it has also provided and the accountability we all have because of this ministry!
Wow!! You can see God’s hand all over this story! He positioned Lisa in the right place at the right time to be encouraged to do this. He then prompted and gave her the vision of the ministry. And as God ALWAYS does, he provided for Lisa and this ministry every step of the way. My family and I look forward to these classes every week. We get to workout our physical bodies and strengthen our spiritual life as well. THANK YOU JESUS for Lisa and FaithFit!! What a blessing it is!!
Thank you!! You are such a big part of FaithFit! So thankful for you and your whole family! God has put quite a big FaithFit family together! Love you!
I praise God for you and your ministry. I’m also thankful for finding this interview. I’m in the process of developing a program for improving the health of my community in Northern Kentucky and needed to hear how God led you through each step.
Our stories are similar, because although very active over the years, I recently realized the need for weight lifting for strength. I’m really pumped to see and learn your choreography for Christian music! How do I get started?
I’m checking out the website and Facebook page!
God bless!