I know exactly what it feels like to not have enough time to take care of yourself. Leading an active lifestyle and striving for personal and spiritual growth were routine habits in my life. But, I knew that there was something lacking that prevented me from experiencing true fulfillment and happiness. For too long I had been only ankle deep in my spiritual journey but God was leading me deeper. He taught me to make true self-worth happen. He taught me to make self-care happen. He taught me – to make wellness happen.
The lack of consistency in reaching my overall wellness goals was my main struggle. Inadequate time for self-care, lack of motivation and my overall limiting beliefs became more prevalent since the start of motherhood.
Much like my marriage, my health journey was always on a constant roller coaster ride experiencing highs and lows. I’d go from eating salads and healthy foods to heading for the dangerous drawer full of unhealthy snacks. Reaching for those savory, sweet and salty addictions to help me get through the pressures of life was so comforting. I definitely enabled this habit to continue as I was the one purchasing the junk food.

The cycle continued of working out full time to try and cover up the guilt of poor eating habits. Being a workaholic helped mask my most inner feelings – lack of self-worth. The enemy was definitely winning power over my life. My overall mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health were suffering immensely.
Unworthiness was a strong feeling in my mind. The enemy plagued my thoughts and emotions with lies. It was a challenge to articulate my feelings or deal with them. So, I turned to my work to mask my true feelings. Sure, financially it needed to be done and my pursuit of success and status were overflowing. However I never felt satisfied. I continually strived for more success and achievements hoping that it would fill the void in my heart.
God placed the conviction in my heart to really examine the intensity of my wants. He reminded me of who Jesus is and the character He has.
God showed me that no amount of success or status can ever fill that empty void which is made for God to fill. Wanting is not bad, but we must direct our concerns to Him. He alone can satisfy our deepest longings.

Teaching French, maintaining a successful interior design and home staging business, the demands of motherhood, and the busyness of life in general continued to spiral. However, the conviction in my heart to turn to God was always present.
God spoke loud and clear to me on a very special night that changed the course of my life. My internal dialogue began to shift when I turned 40 years old. He reminded me of who I am in Christ. After hearing beautiful scriptures and heartfelt words from my friends that I knew came from the Lord, it became crystal clear that night at my 40th big birthday celebration that it was time for radical change.

It was time to embrace a new process and transformation in my physical, emotional, and spiritual life that was significantly different than before. It was time to stop covering up my limiting beliefs by working hard. No more roller coaster rides. I was to step out in faith and believe in God with only consistency, complete devotion, and dedication to my emotional, physical, and spiritual life.
Despite my 10 year extreme effort to save my marriage, we both agreed that divorce was the best option. Fulfillment, wholeness, joy and happiness were the convictions in my heart. It was time to experience God’s love for me in a deeper, more profound way.

Once I made the mental shift to put my self-care and my relationship with God even higher on the priority list, everything changed for me. By faith I joined an online fitness group that I had my eye on for three years. At first I thought it was all about workouts and shakes. But through it God helped me realize the true meaning of discipleship. I learned that our purpose on earth is to help people find and follow Jesus.
It was during this time my father started experiencing early signs of Parkinson’s Disease and Dementia. His physical health began to diminish. Through this the Lord prompted me now more than ever to help individuals who experience feelings of unworthiness. I helped others prioritize their health, master their mindset through God’s word, build healthier habits and elevate their physical energy through optimal nutrition and fitness.

Through a firm commitment to my faith, health, and personal growth, God has helped me to be able to overcome the negative limitations that were blocking my joy. This has transformed my thought process to: acceptance, love, faith and hope. I am passionate, persistent, and in pursuit of helping others use their pain as a source of motivation in their fight for freedom from the past. I help them to use that pain as fuel to transform, renew their minds, and expand their capacity to find true happiness.

That is exactly what God prompted me to do: use my experiences to help others. The Make it Happen Ministry centers around the P.A.W.S. (Prayer – Affirmation – Worship – Surrender) approach. I’ve created resources and courses like, “Rise Up and Shine: Your 40 Day Journey to Renewal” to help people realize that today is a new day. It’s an opportunity to embrace the obstacles and challenges we face with strength, confidence and resilience. The course gives them a process to let go of the old and receive all the new and wonderful blessings from God.