You’ll likely not build a massive physique from this workout alone. But, when you can carve-out an opportunity for warm fellowship and a healthy time with God then we’d say spiritually you ought to be able to “feel the pump-kin”!
The autumn season with all the refreshingly cooler temperatures is great time for you and your family to get outside and exercise as a family together. This fall is a wonderful season to plan some vigorous exercise, fun times together, and renewed conversations with those most important to you.
Every autumn as the trees lose their leaves we all start to become more aware that we’re losing too. For those in the northern hemisphere that means losing more daylight. For everyone it means we’re getting closer to losing all of the remaining days in the current year. Yeah, it’s not long until winter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and then the new year. Yet there is so much to do before then. Family may just need to pretty much take a back seat for at least one more week or two or … STOP! God’s got something bigger for you. It’s more golden than the brightest yellow leaves. It is time with your family.
Want to really get that time this year – and truly enjoy it? Then make plans now for just a few days from now and then for a week later too while you’re at it. Plan what? Fun! Think about the where, who and what of it. Where could be in your yard, your kitchen, at a farm open to the public, a park within a 3-hour drive, that place you enjoy but haven’t been able to visit yet this year – – – you get the idea. The who is your immediate family, your neighbors, your church small group, your gym contacts, co-workers and yep, even your extended family. Finally, plan for the what. When was the last time you made a pile of leaves and jumped into it? Delicious autumn spices and food invite us to make some dishes together that we can savor. And then there are all those boxes of apples, stacks of firewood for a campfire, corn mazes to explore at a walk or jog and all those pumpkins. You can do so much with small, medium and large pumpkins.

Beyond the plans talk with someone close who will help you execute and decide what goals you want to have. Here are a few we think you should consider:
Get active together and actually sustain that activity for a good 30 minutes.
Discover each other through communication. That is both speaking and listening and in-person fellowship too. Look into each others eyes and share a genuine embrace.
You can also make it spiritual too. Now is a good time to let everyone share what they hope to accomplish yet this year or what has been a challenge for them. Then transition to everyone offering words of encouragement and then taking a moment for prayer.
Is there a project that needs to be done before winter or someone who needs a little help. While you’re together as a group exercise the moment to get together again soon and do that good work together. That is a big step toward all of you becoming more socially, emotionally and spiritually “jacked”.
Finally follow through and DO your fun fall workout. You’ll harvest much more than good exercise and great times. Here is what is really amazing to consider: God is faithful. When you make the commitment and put forth the effort He will return unto you much more than you can imagine.
If a workout using pumpkins with family and friends to have fun sounds a little crazy then that is all the more reason to go for it. This will literally be an exercise of your faith. You’ve got to trust that God can use the most unusual of experiences. Pursue some innovation and don’t be afraid to see what God can reveal.
We want you to add your fun fall workout to this page. Here’s how easy it is:
- Do it.
- Use your phone to shoot video of it.
- Post the video on send it to us.

- Cardio (pass the pumpkins around, run around them or dance)
- Strength (lift the pumpkins like weights)
- Core (using pumpkins for stability of abs, glutes, back)
- Nutrition (let’s see what good and healthy food you can pair with a healthier pumpkin pie)
Think about doing several in a category and at least one in each. When you bring together several families or a group of friends you can make it even more fun by creating teams. Each team creates a workout and then everyone takes turns going through the entire circuit. You can add a relay race, wheel barrel push, pumpkin tower build and more. Just remember that like weights in the gym these pumpkins can be heavy. So, keep it fun but keep it safe too.
Conclude the fun with a meal that everyone makes together, conversation, fellowship and then a time of singing praise and worship songs around a campfire along with a Bible reading and optional discussion.
There are 4 categories of “workout” that you can do:
Make it fun. Do it with family or friends. We prefer for you to upload your video to an online service like YouTube or Instagram then just email us the URL/web page address for your video.
Then watch for your video to be posted here. Get ready to see how others are having a fun fall workout.