By Brad Bloom, Publisher Faith & Fitness Magazine
Several years ago when I first started this magazine we did, as we often do, a custom photo shoot with a couple. Both are bodybuilders and fitness models with outstanding physiques. One thing that’s distinct about how we do Faith & Fitness Magazine is that we work to strike a balance between ‘those’ bodies and the rest of us who are not there yet — and likely never will be there.
We shoot photography with attention to detail because we feel this ministry compared to other magazines has a much different agenda and message. So, I was surprised when I received an email from a reader who said my photo caused him to lust. He suggested I remove it. I immediately reviewed the photo, discussed the reader’s concern with advisors and after prayer sent the reply, “Upon reviewing the photo, I stand behind it and will keep it online. I encourage you to talk with your pastor about your lust.”
Jesus nailed it a long time ago when He said that our spirit is willing but our flesh is weak. Then like some over zealous personal trainer he tells us to ACTIVELY watch and pray lest we be like a lazy old dog sleeping. Gee, thanks a lot Jesus!
What often makes me and so many others scratch our heads is if God is so into the ‘spiritual’ how come He gave us this body of flesh in the first place. It gets tempted, tired, abused, hurting, old and broken. Do angels deal with any of that? I don’t think so.
In the big divinely inspired eternity picture people like me want to know what’s the flesh got to do with it?
I certainly don’t have all the answers but — let’s go there!
With this issue of Faith & Fitness Magazine I invite you and your friends to explore three aspects of being in the flesh:
First, it’s time to consider your body like never before. Sure, go ahead and get on the scale, take a picture, talk to a professional for advice and write down your own feelings, thoughts and observations. By all means get that bod in better shape. That may indeed be the best shape of your life, even competition-ready and fitness model amazing. BUT, it may simply be BETTER shape. My point is that it’s your body. The flesh in which you and God’s Spirit dwell affects how you think and feel. It empowers or constrains what you do. And yes, regardless of how spiritual you desire to be or think you are, your body by God’s design affects your spirit.

Second, ‘in the flesh’ describes and represents our carnal nature. It’s those selfish, bad attitude, lustful, dishonest, lazy and passive tendencies that we hate to fully identify as sin. When we’re in the flesh like this it keeps us chained and burdened from having the closeness with God that He wants for us. It goes beyond the bad stuff to things as innocent as worrying and wanting to fit in. We’re most blind to being in the flesh when we trust in our own self instead of trusting in God because the truth is we can’t ‘do it’ only God can.
Third, and this is the area where your faith has the most potential, being in the flesh means being really present with others. I’m not bashing social media or telling you not to use it. But your Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn are simply tools for the greater purpose in life – being the life of Christ to others. We need to actively look today for the opportunities to be help, hope, compassion, encouragement, accountability and grace to others — Christ IN THE FLESH. Are you a little shy about doing that? Pray for help t get over it and then take one step at a time. We can only see what is – He can see what will be.
The Maybe I’m Not Good Enough scene in the 2016 movie La La Land illustrates the despair and resignation that people all around us can have. I like how the character Sabastian Wilder (played by Ryan Gosling) is in the flesh. The horn blowing at the beginning shows determination and no fear of the mission to be present. The conversation (albeit with one use of profanity) demonstrates attentiveness, listening and asking questions — being a friend can be that simple. Ultimately the scene shows that one person can make a difference in the the life of another.
Everyday when life kicks-into fully engaged mode, your biggest opportunities await in making a difference in the lives of those around you – those you know well, those you think you know and those you don’t know at all. You never know who is down, has given up and needs a lift. It’s time to realize that God goes before you and will come along behind after you. God has big plans to change the world through you. Begin today with the simple prayer, “Use me”. Then in one way or another stretch yourself and extend to others the simple offer #talk2me4alift.
Train strong in Christ,
Brad Bloom, Publisher
NOTE: Some of the encouragement above is built from the lyrics in the Mass Anthem song Through People Like Me. Click below and listen before you continue reading more of the magazine. It’s a great tune to add to your personal play list.