Enjoying life

“For the joy set before Him He endured the cross” Hebrews 12:2

Wait, isn’t this something better suited for Easter?  Well, yes it is, but it shouldn’t be limited to that time of year.  Besides, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to enjoy God.

            It started with a visit to the Westminster Short Catechism (yes, I read stuff like that and actually find it valuable!).


Q. 1. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

I think I have a pretty good understanding of what it means to glorify God: we glorify through worship, through service, through obedience. So I believe I have a good handle on that.

But then I get to the issue of enjoying God and I confess I’ve been stuck for a bit.  For a long time I’ve thought I knew (and maybe I still do) but I’ve paused of late to re-examine the context and what it means.

According to Websters, to enjoy means to ‘take pleasure or satisfaction in’.  Good, a starting point!

What do the scriptures have to say about this, and especially, what does the verse I started with mean?  Joy? Cross? They don’t seem to be synonymous.

            Paul wrote to Timothy: Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.(1 Tim.6:17)

I think the issue for me lies in the perceived connection between happiness and enjoying something. We live in a culture obsessed with our own comfort and the perception of happiness. We get confused and aren’t even sure what we seek.  Fortunately for us, advertisers fill in the gap and ‘help’ us to ‘know’ what will make us happy, and luckily for us they have a product that will fit the bill…until another one comes along. 

No, that’s not the answer and that’s not enjoying God.

Jesus endured the cross, He worked through it, because He knew at the other end was incredible joy. The joy of bringing salvation to His beloved people and the joy of fulfilling His Heavenly Father’s wishes.  So, he endured even though it was not only not fun but excruciatingly painful.

I ask again, what gives pleasure? What gives satisfaction?


I think John Piper nailed it in his book Desiring God when he said: “the chief end of man is to glorify God BY enjoying Him forever.”  The two are not mutually exclusive.  I think for many of us we see the Christian experience and especially the path of discipleship as toil, drudgery and sacrifice.  I don’t think that’s the case. Is it hard work?  Does it require sacrifice?  Yes, definitely.  But its more than that, like training to run a marathon, or compete in a bodybuilding competition, they take practice and commitment but as someone once shared with me, the joy is in the struggle. Because to enjoy means to find satisfaction or to take pleasure. How can something that cost you nothing fulfill that?

I remember from my days in the investment business, that if you seek a high rate of return you must invest and risk. Nothing of value comes without a cost.

So, my lack of perceived enjoyment comes down to my lack of faithfulness to God, my distractions and lack of time spent with Him.  Oswald Chamber once said that the biggest risk to a pastor’s relationship with God is his ministry and I can attest to that. The demands, distractions and opportunities are big, it’s an amazing, exciting calling that you can pour so much into and not be bored. But it can also take you from the intimacy, and therefore, enjoyment that God offers to me.

Do I have the answer?  Maybe, but I’m not quite sure yet.  This is still an incomplete train of thought but even as I write this it becomes clearer. We enjoy God by finding pleasure in the things He provides and the opportunities He gives. That glorifies God also in the process. Glorify and enjoy- not only can they fit together I’m beginning to think they HAVE to!

I’m going to keep working on this. Want to know more, or join me in the journey?  Let me know.

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