Drew Waters: Stretching For The Prize – Chasing The Passion

Drew Waters riding a horse with lasso



1. I’m a big chicken eater maybe with grilled asparagus and lemon or barbequed.

2. I eat steak sometimes as much as once a week. Marinate it and add a sweet potato.

3. My indulgence — chicken and dumplings. When you work hard you can have a treat.


1. Protein shakes – Just watch the sugar.

2. Nuts – great source of vitamin energy.

3. Fruit – It can be filling for you. Drink plenty of water and you won’t over eat.


Faith & Fitness Magazine: Let’s talk for a moment more about the industry you’ve chosen (film and television) and the region where you spend a big part of your time (Southern California/ Los Angeles). Producing media is all about persuasive communication (controlling the message) and the Hollywood environment today seems more than ever before about the spinning, gossip, attitude, one-upping (the receiving, manipulation and outcome of the message). How do you do what you do in this kind of environment? What are some of the newest learning curves to not just survive but be successful in this paradigm? And – how does God fit into today’s culture? Is He even relevant? Can He play a dynamic role in the daily lives of people around you?

Drew Waters: There are a lot of negative and dark corners out there. An important thing is to make a choice and make a stand. Don’t say, “This is all bad.” Take a stand for what you want to do in life and follow that journey. You can’t control everything around you.

Hollywood is the same way. We didn’t start Argentum Entertainment to push things down people’s throat. What we want to do is get back to the root and the truth of the story. As we build good quality stories that becomes the base for moving them forward. The derogatory sex and violence is not necessary. Let’s get back to good story telling. At the end of the day, that is what [the character of] Jesus was – a great storyteller. He was passionate and wanted to share it with others.

To me that is when I became one with God and found my relationship with Him. I was on a movie set. I was continually questioning things until I had that salvation moment. Stay true to your faith and who you want to be in life. Take that journey.

Faith & Fitness Magazine: So, what is one big adventure, something physically demanding maybe even a little risky that you’d like to do — maybe even this year?

Drew Waters: I must admit I’m an adrenaline junkie. So, there are quite a few things that I still want to accomplish. They are very physical and demanding. I created a concept show around that called Test Drive – All Things Extreme. I’m fascinated with extreme sports. I grew up racing motor cross and sprint cars. I want to do it! I want to see if I can physically and mentally trust and let go enough to accomplish some of those incredible [extreme] activities.


I still want to climb a mountain and do the Pilgrim’s Walk in Spain. Those would be cleansing journeys.

Everyday I try to push myself. I want to see, and try and do something better than the day before and see how far I can take it. I want to let people share with me and inspire someone to do the same.


Drew Water's Chasing The Passion – PODCAST

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