Our slogan at Faith & Fitness Magazine is “Your tool for powerful, healthy, and passionate living.” This quiz is designed to give you a tool that addresses the passionate living part of that statement with core fitness for the Christmas holiday season.
This may surprise you, but most people who train are not passionate about the actual fitness training they are doing. They are passionate about the results and how they are able to live an empowered life because of their training. They are like a family that should be enjoying the fellowship around the Christmas tree but instead only focus on the gifts under the tree.
What are you passionate about? This Christmas season let’s make fitness a really fun part of life for you, family and friends.
I am passionate about knowledge, facts, and trivia. I love playing trivia games with friends and family. So, I created a Christmas fitness trivia challenge for all of our Faith & Fitness Magazine family. Gather around the tree listening to some fun holiday music with others and — do some Christmas Training.
SHARE YOUR CHRISTMAS TRAINING WITH OTHERS. Shoot a short one-minute video then email it to us. We’ll upload it to this page.
Here are 20 random trivia questions about Christmas. Each has been assigned an exercise. Take the quiz first (honor system…no Google searches for answers. Besides, this trivia quiz was originally created in 2012 so the stats are bit of history now but still pretty surprising). THE SIMPLE RULES:
- The difference between the correct answer and your answer is the number of reps you will perform for each exercise.
- The correct answers are at the end of the article. Here’s a sample question to help explain the game:
Approximately how many Christmas trees are currently growing on farms in America? The answer is between 325 and 425 million.
I will pause while you answer…
The answer is 350 million. Let’s say you guessed 375 million and the exercise listed for this question was a squat. You would have to perform 25 reps of the squat that is right for you. Just in case it is not obvious, take the “million” part away from the answer and just look at the number. The exercise listed will be body-weight only. If you get the question right, perform 5-10 reps of your favorite exercise, and pat yourself on the back for being either a great guesser or a useless trivia expert!
After you do this trivia quiz, you can make a new set of trivia questions and even a new set of 4 core exercises and do it again. It’s a great way to have fitness fun every time you gather with family and friends for Christmas.

- How many million Christmas trees were purchased in 2012 (rounded up to the nearest million)? The correct answer is between 1 and 100. Exercise = Push-up.
- What is the average cost of a Christmas tree sold in 2012 (rounded down to the nearest dollar). The answer is between $1 and $100. Exercise = Squat.
- “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” holds the record for generating the most domestic box office revenue. How much is it? The answer is between $175 million and $325 million. Exercise = Flutter kicks and dollies.
- Pope Julius 1 proclaimed Dec. 25 the official celebration date for the birth of Christ. What year did this occur? The answer is between 275 and 375. Exercise – Level 1 = Jumping Jack; Level 2 = Burpee
- The tallest Christmas tree was a Douglas fir that was displayed in 1950 at the Northgate Shopping Center in Seattle. How tall was it? The answer is between 150 and 250 feet. Exercise = Push-up.
- Christmas wasn’t declared an official holiday in the US until June 26th of what year? The answer is between 1800 and 1900. Exercise = Squat.
- How many thousands of Christmas tree farms are in the US? The answer is between 1,000 and 100,000. Exercise = Flutter kicks and dollies.
- British illustrator John Calcott Horsley invented the first Christmas card in what year? The answer is between 1800 and 1900. Exercise – Level 1 = Jumping Jack; Level 2 = Burpee
- The first Christmas postage stamp was issued in the United States in this year. The answer is between 1875 and 1975. Exercise = Push-up.
- The first printed reference to a Christmas tree was in Germany in what year? The answer is between 1500 and 1600. Exercise = Squat
- Belgium set the record in 2010 for most Christmas lights on a tree. How many lights were there (rounded up to the nearest thousand)? The answer is between 150,000 and 250,000. Exercise = flutter kicks and dollies.
- Roughly what percentage of Americans will visit the post office during the holiday season? Exercise – Level 1 = Jumping Jack; Level 2 = Burpee
- The US Postal Service delivers how many billion cards, letters, and packages between Thanksgiving and Christmas? The answer is between 1 and 50 billion. Exercise = Push-ups.
- How many million pounds of holiday mail do the American military installations overseas receive? The answer is between 1 and 50 pounds. Exercise = Squats
- What year did the official tradition of the Christmas tree begin at the Rockefeller Center? The answer is between 1890 and 1965. Exercise = Flutter kicks and dollies.
- How tall is this year’s Christmas tree at the Rockefeller Center? The answer is between 50 and 150 feet. Exercise – – Level 1 = Jumping Jack; Level 2 = Burpee
- “Christmas” is a compound word originating in the term “Christ’s Mass”. It is derived from the Middle English Cristemasse, which is from Old English Crīstesmæsse, a phrase first recorded in what year? The answer is between 1000 and 1100. Exercise = Push-up.
- “Jingle Bells” is one of the best-known[1] and commonly sung[2] Christmas songs in the world. It was written by James Lord Pierpont and published under the title “One Horse Open Sleigh” in the autumn of what year? The answer is between 1850 and 1950. Exercise = Squat
- How many billions were spent online during the entire November-December holiday shopping season in 2012? The answer is $1 to $100 billion. Exercise = Flutter kicks and dollies.
- How many years do trees typically grow before becoming Christmas trees to sell? The answer is 1 to 50 years. Exercise – Level 1 = Jumping Jack; Level 2 = Burpee.

It is important for you to understand that this program is completely adaptable to how you train and what you are trying to achieve.
I listed four general body-weight exercises that cover upper body, lower body, core, and cardio development and you repeat them for five total sets. On the video, I cover a kettlebell option, and an arm and abdominal variation. You could also have fun with bands, suspension systems, dumbbells, or whatever comes to mind. Please send me an email if you want more explanation on variations for this program.
Finally, think about the question at the beginning…what are you passionate about? How could you use that passion to get healthier? Are you passionate about knitting? Make up a game where you do a particular exercise every time you end a row. Are you passionate about the stock market? Wear your workout clothes as you watch the ticker scroll by, and do a burpee for every company whose symbol starts with the letter “N”.
Everything in your life is connected…spiritually, physically, emotionally.
Combine your passions with your workouts and you open yourself up to new possibilities and make training fun and exciting. Be passionate too about your family, friends and faith. Exercise with them and even though you’ve heard the Christmas story, take time to read it aloud together. That is some Christmas training we can all do.
1. 25 million trees, 2. $40, 3. $260 million, 4. 350 AD, 5. 221 feet, 6. 1870, 7. 21,000, 8. 1843, 9. 1962, 10. 1531, 11. 195,000, 12. 30, 13. 15.8, 14. 30, 15. 1933, 16. 76 feet, 17. 1038, 18. 1857, 19. 42 billion, 20. 15 years