Do I have a story to tell you about superhuman strength.
If you’re into fitness and particularly bodybuilding then you’ve likely heard of Joe Weider. Joe is a Canadian, known as the Trainer of Champions. His life (1919-2013) along with his brother Ben Weider developed into a career that gave the world the International Federation of Body Builders (IFBB) and led to the creation of the most prestigious fitness industry showcase event in the world, the Mr. Olympia. But there is another Canadian who is a legend in bodybuilding – Jim Morris.

Jim and his business partner Norm Jacobs started JAMOR Enterprise, as promoters of bodybuilding events in Canada. Jim also competed in bodybuilding, so he was more than an event promoter. He understood how to train and what it means to compete. He was highly respected in the Ontario Physique Association (OPA) now known as the Canadian Physique Association (CPA) in Canada headed by president Ron Hache.

I was Jim Morris’s assistant. I knew him since 2010 and worked with him until he passed away in 2017.
I’m a competitive bodybuilder in the sport of figure. Jim was my coach and trainer in the sport for 7 years. I met him at my first bodybuilding show in 2009 when he first noticed me. At that time I had recently become a Christian, so I told him upfront. I was new to the sport and he helped me learn what it took to be a figure competitor. When he first trained me I thought he was going to kill me, “Why are you making me go so heavy.” But, when I saw the results I understood.

Jim journeyed through life with a very open mind to what he called ‘the universe’. So, sharing my faith and helping him discover Jesus Christ was, to say the least, difficult. He fought it. But, me being bold in my faith was something that he needed.
By 2016 Jim had become more than a promoter, trainer and coach to me. He was a dear friend. I looked up to him. So when I got the news of his cancer I was completely devastated. In my heart I asked, “What should I do now?”
I could watch him slip away right before my eyes – OR, I could exercise a strength to be someone more to him than simply a figure competitor and assistant.
I had the privilege to take care of my dear friend Jim for the last 2 years of his life. It was then that all I had been sharing with him started to sink in and he could understand that Jesus is real. It was only by the grace of God that I was able to do this.

For 2 years I prepared his meals for him, stayed at hospital visits for overnight major operations, and was privileged to be the loving presence of Jesus to him… To let him know he was not alone.
Though he kept on wrestling with God, the good news is that finally Jim opened his heart to Jesus. On his way to hospice from the hospital the most beautiful thing happened – Jim recited the sinner’s prayer. After that all went downhill and his health declined.

I know it was only by the grace of God that I had the strength to endure and take care of Jim. I think back upon the time Jim was able to come to Montreal, Canada for my competition. It was the last one he’d ever see.
I look forward to the day I see him again in our true home in heaven.
I learned that with God it is possible to overcome challenges. It is only with the strength of God’s Spirit that we are able to live faithfully.
We need to be obedient and not back off when Christ calls us to persist.

1. Think about the fitness and body-building culture. What do you think drives those people in this lifestyle? What challenges, frustrations and hurts do you think they have?
2. What are some reasons to share faith in Jesus with those in this fitness culture? How would you do it? How do you think they could respond? What circumstances would merit being more forthright and direct in how you communicate?
3. Why did Jim push Yolanda to “go heavy”? Why did Yolanda conclude that being bold in her faith is what Jim needed? Consider how resistance, both physically and spiritually can produce strength.
4. How natural is it for you to share faith with others? How can drawing on God’s superhuman strength help you to persist?