Bible Study Meets Boot Camp With Revelation Fitness

By Jo Ann Bauer

For thousands of Christians faith and fitness are colliding and it’s not a moment too soon. Seventy-five percent of Americans are Christians. Sixty-five percent of Americans are over weight. The statistics paint an unflattering picture of a rather fat and unhealthy Christian population who may exercise their faith, but not their bodies.
Nationwide less than 19% of Americans over the age of 18 meet the recommended aerobic and muscle-strengthening physical activity level. So since our personal resolve to get healthy doesn’t cut it, we need something a more powerful than just our will power. The concept of being spiritually born again needs to reach beyond the pulpit into gymnasiums so we can successfully be physically born again as well.
The search for that combination led me to Living Streams Church in Phoenix, Arizona. Walk into the church gymnasium and you’ll find a group of smiling (sometimes grimacing) faces wiping the sweat off their brow during an intense workout meets worship experience called Revelation Fitness. The revolutionary program is part of the nationwide Revelation Wellness ministry devoted to helping people live healthy and whole lives in Christ.
Alisa Keeton founded the non-profit ministry of Revelation Wellness. She is a passionate Christian and 20-year veteran certified fitness professional. “Revelation Fitness is the perfect fit for the person who is looking to get more out of their workouts than just sore muscles, ” says Keeton whose tiny yet powerful frame encompasses a huge passion for serving God and others. She continues, “Our classes are cutting edge fitness infused with a spirit of freedom, perseverance and contagious fun.”
Let me give you fair warning, I took the class, and this is no toe-tapping church lady gathering. Revelation Fitness is in-your-face-fitness that truly brings to life the Bible verse, “…. for my power is made perfect in weakness”. Keeton told the class we wouldn’t be able to get through it in our own strength. She was right. It brought me to a place where my strength was depleted and I had to depend on God’s strength. The physical and spiritual challenge of the class was shared in an environment void of all competition but rich in encouragement. There was support and crazy fun that seemed to supernaturally fuel my body and focus my mind. Rocking worship music, scripture and prayer were as much a part of the class (if not more) than the workout itself. And as for Alisa Keeton, I discovered she is like Jillian Michaels, only jacked up on Jesus.
“Not only are the Revelation Fitness classes an extreme work out, they are a transformational work in,” says student Stephanie Moors, “Alisa, was created to do this.”
“I’ve worked out my whole life and Revelation Fitness is one of the best workouts I’ve ever experienced,” says Jerry Lopez a Phoenix Fire Fighter, “The physical helps me with my job, but what’s amazing is the love that I feel here, what I get spiritually.”
The creativity of the class caught me by surprise, definitely not your typical gym experience. Each Revelation Fitness class provides total body metabolic training consisting of cardiovascular, muscle strength and endurance, balance, core and flexibility. “The goal of Revelation Fitness is to bring scripture alive in heart, mind, soul and strength” says Keeton who opens the class with prayer and scripture. She manages to weave it throughout class so people get worked out and worked in.
Revelation Fitness classes are open to anyone of any faith or no faith at all. They operate without a fee, but rather on a donation basis. “We want it accessible to everyone, no excuses, but we do speak to the heart of giving,” says Keeton.
Keeton’s vision is to spread the transformational benefits of Revelation Fitness classes nationwide. There is a certified Revelation Fitness teacher training program for those who feel called by God to help others get healthy and whole. The ministry grows monthly. Presently fifty certified Revelation Fitness instructors teach a variety of classes internationally with Revelation Wellness Instructor Training regularly scheduled.
If a Revelation Fitness class isn’t currently offered in your area, you can still experience this boot camp meets Bible study program. Keeton has released two DVDs; Revelation Fitness 20/15/10 and H.I.I.T – High Intensity Interval Training. You can find these resources and more at the Revelation Wellness website. There you will also find popular 10-minute workouts which can be viewed or downloaded for free.
If you’ve tried the health club scene and the gym routine but consistently find yourself seeking something more it is time to discover a Revelation Fitness class. Somehow I forgot about the sweat and strain because the focus was fixed squarely on Jesus. It delivers a “less of us and more of Him” experience.

Jo Ann Bauer is the founder of Jesus Freak Media (for Christ’s sake). A 20-year broadcast media veteran Jo Ann grew tired of talking about death and destruction as a television anchor and longed to share stories of hope and inspiration. Today, she’s delighted to share the Good News instead of the day’s news.


One Response

  1. I’m looking for a Christian fitness/weight loss retreat. Really could use some help finding this type of place so that I can stay close to God and other like minded individuals but also focusing on losing Weight and getting fit.

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