Let’s pray before we leave for work.
For Michael and Jennifer, their faith is an area where they feel they are actually achieving some level of balance. They actually have gotten past making thousands of excuses as to why they can’t make it to church. A morning Sabbath is a comfortable part of their weekly routine.
But, faith can be tough for many of us, especially when it comes to making it a real priority. Jennifer’s recurring prayer at church, “God help me to be more like Christ” was getting louder in her mind as she realized that she really wasn’t making that a priority. Faith was more of an obligation instead of an opportunity to feed her spirit and serve God by helping others.
She and Michael first pursued greater life balance in their faith by scheduling time for prayer, church, and studying daily devotionals. But they didn’t stop with improved balance, they made life changing gains when faith became a priority.
They did this by making three important faith decisions. They joined a study group with friends from church. They committed to making daily life decisions with a greater consideration of how their faith should shape those plans. Third, they determined that God would be at the foundation of their family life – they chose to identify God as their lead.
- Remember time with God is an opportunity and never an obligation.
- When a church service speaks to you, find a relevant photo and post of the teachings from the sermon. It is an opportunity to speak into the life of others through the word of God.
#ListenLearnShare #GodsWord #GodisOpportunity