Secondly, it’s time to dive into food. Food reminds me of comfort, conversations, laughter, and family. These precious memories give evidence of how food brings us together as a family. Food is more than nourishment for the body. It is food for the soul because it gives us time to be spiritually fed as individuals and as a family.
- Make dinner a time to bring family together.
- Eliminate ALL electronics and STICK TO IT!
- Since we are eliminating ALL electronics at this time, you can use this time to take a family photo together before putting the phones away and post it later. Dinner time is FAMILY TIME.
- Use the hashtag #DinnerTimeIsFamilyTime and write about your experience.
How does one find balance in a fast-paced world to prepare food? Many of us work eight or more hours each day, care for our children, run errands, do sports related activities, go to meetings and so much more. So, meal preparation, especially done together as a couple or as a family, can be little more than an idealistic scene from a Hallmark Channel story. Few pursue creating balance in this area of life. Fewer yet find the reward of making it a priority.
When Jennifer and Michael let God transform how they experience their mealtime they’ll start to find a deeper connection with their family. They will see that God will increase the things they value resulting in a decrease in poor attitudes and negative feelings.

How do we find balance here? Great question! Cooking and mealtime should be embraced as a natural provision to bring family together. Incorporate the help of your spouse and/or children. By doing this, you allow time for conversation and connecting with family without phones and electronics as you come to the family table. At the end of the day, time management is one of the greatest assets to finding balance.