By Eric Rodgers
Picture the following scenario: Jennifer and Michael are hard working parents who struggle with making priorities for a balanced lifestyle. Family time has decreased over the last five years. Family meals moved from the dinner table to the local restaurants. Making a choice for church has become a battle between faith and football. Fitness is non-existent with their chaotic schedule of work, kids, sports, errands, and more. Does any of this sound familiar? Can you relate?
Today, one of the hardest goals to achieve is finding balance in our lives. I’ve found that there are four foundational areas where balance must be developed and maintained:
I want to help you by sharing knowledge gained over the last eight years of personal training.
From cell phones to the next “best thing”, our minds are always in overdrive and rarely slow enough to change our brains from the auto-pilot mode of a driven agenda to a responsive spirit that pursues after and listens to the instruction and leading of God. We’re “too busy” to put the more important God-given priorities first. Finding balance doesn’t have to be painful and time consuming. Actually, it should be the exact opposite. Here is how you can begin to achieve balance in each of these four foundational areas.