How do you define trimmings? It’s one of those words that’s used in more ways than you may realize. When it comes to your faith and fitness lifestyle we encourage you to explore and define ALL the definitions trimmings – what it means for your diet, your exercise and how you view life. So, get reading to see just how you can trim out your meal, trim down your physique and then trim away for a beautiful life.
Call it a side dish if you want but the trimmings to the main course are what make a meal truly spectacular. Regardless of whether it’s a flavorful twist on a seasonal favorite or your own wholesome approach to a regular weekly meal, making trimmings both tasty and nutritious will make you and those you feed smile with satisfaction.
Take some time to learn more about what makes foods delicious. You can make the “secret sauce” with a reduced amount of sodium or more natural sweeteners so that everyone including children discover that trimmings are more than salt, sugar and sitting around. That side can be higher in fiber, richer in antioxidants and flavored with natural ingredients from God’s great spice rack.

SHARE HOW YOU TRIM OUT YOUR MEAL: Take a moment to contact us and tell about your favorite trimmings. Include your tips, what you’ve learned, how you tweak the recipe, and the feedback you’ve received from those who said, “Mmmmm!” Send us a picture too.
Nobody wants to “go on a diet” but we all know that too often we consume too many calories from unhealthy foods and then simply aren’t as physically active as we need to be – the way God designed us to live. Trimming down your physique goes way beyond losing weight. It’s about moving your body more easily, becoming stronger, resting better, being more vibrant and living healthy.
It isn’t complicated to trim down your physique. In fact the skills and practices that help you become physically and spiritually stronger are pretty intuitive and basic. So, when you’re thinking about defining the trimmings as it relates to your physique it is good to simply get back to basics. Physical exercise that yields results is trimmed with commitment and focus, preparation, teamwork and support from others, doing the job well, and keeping it engaging with variety.

SHARE HOW YOU TRIM DOWN YOUR PHYSIQUE: Maybe you’re preparing for a physique competition, race or other physical performance. Maybe you’re simply preparing for a stronger and healthier rest of your life. You might be trimming down to having defined lean muscle mass or perhaps your goal is more in the realm of walking without pain, further and faster. We’d like for you to contact us and share the details – your perspective on all the trimmings.
Another kind of trimming that is often discussed and studied less than diet and exercise is the trimming God does in the lives of those who pursue after Him and accept it. We’re talking about trimming away the things in our lives that are dead or have no value. Let God be like a gardener with you, cutting off and pruning away the things that aren’t fruitful in your life.
Sometimes that is obvious and easy. Other times when we think something is useful, but God knows it isn’t, we resist the trimming, fear losing something we’ve found familiar and find it painful. God knows what you need to lose so that you can produce more and produce it better.
That leads to the other kind of trimming that you should desire and receive. Visualize trimming a Christmas tree. Like you, it’s created to be strong. End of story? Not for God. He wants to adorn and accessorize you, adding the special qualities, abilities and one of a kind uniqueness that is truly beautiful.
If you could see as Jesus sees you’d start to discover that you are altogether beautiful. One ornament at a time, the Spirit of God trims us, adding yet another beautiful quality that glitters and attracts others to Christ.

SHARE HOW GOD IS TRIMMING AWAY IN YOUR LIFE: Let’s celebrate together the beautiful life that Christ gives us. Contact us to share how God has done both pruning and adorning in your life.
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I recently read, ALL The Trimmings, in Faith & Fitness Magazine and it literally talks about ALL the trimmings: side dishes, exercise and what God’s doing in our lives. Go to I think you’ll like it.