6 New Concepts For Recovery

By Dr. Shannon Subramaniam

Why can’t healthy people have a “twelve step program” to keep them functioning well, recovered, restored, alive, healthy, and wellthy? (Don’t worry; I’ll define this word in a moment.) What is available for those of us who want to be “high on life”? What concepts can help us to get the most out of it, put the most into it, and live life to its fullest? Here are 6 new concepts for recovery you should apply to your life.

1. to get back again : REGAIN, RETRIEVE.
2. to regain normal health, poise, or status.
3. to make up for : RECOUP

Beyond the dictionary definition, take a moment to consider a bigger perspective in recovery. What is recovery for someone who hasn’t lost anything? They don’t need to recoup or “make up for” for things broken or missing. Even if they had lost something, what if they didn’t want to get back only what they’d lost, but so much more? What if they didn’t want “normal health,” because normal health in our country is, unfortunately, very unhealthy?

It doesn’t have to be drug or alcohol abuse that leads people to the revelation that they are desperate for a new kind of recovery. Can people come to this conclusion without these addictions? I believe they can, and that is exactly why these six new concepts can help you in your faith and fitness.


Restoration is the new recovery. It’s about you being the best that you can be…with the [physical, emotional and spiritual] rest that you desire. Recognizing that you are valuable just the way you are. Through God’s grace and strength you are more than enough! It’s acceptable to embrace your greatness and stop trying to be something you think you should be. Instead be authentically who you are. It’s about the revival of peace from the inside, out and healing from God. It’s about finding rest in simply being your best. Let God define your “best”. Pray and seek Him for that revelation and personal understanding. Have you experienced the rest of restoration?

You are your greatest asset and the value you carry within you is your wellth. It’s the wealth on the inside of you being fully expressed in your mind, body, spirit and life. Your wellth is the source of your health. It’s the key to a rich and fulfilling life. When you know your wellth, you will prosper in health. Do you know your wellth?

Exposing yourself is the new discovery. It’s about seeing whom you truly are from within, and living spiritually naked and unashamed. Fear bullies its victims by isolating and deceiving them into believing that they are powerless. The good news is you are not powerless. You are victorious, and certainly not a victim. So, who are you?

There is success beyond a “Support Group”. You do not have to do it alone. You can be 1 of 11 and no longer live life in isolation and deception. 1 plus 1 does not equal 2, but 11. When we come together with other “ones” who also desire to live their best life, the power is exponential. There is not only accountability and support, but also incredible success. That’s why a new recovery (or restoration) goes way beyond a “Support Group”…to a “Success Group”. It’s a place to succeed. It’s your place to belong. It’s where you fit, and become fit. It’s where you’re not only part of a revolution, but you are the revolution. It’s where you can be your best you. It’s a place where you are no longer anonymous. It’s your life. Are you succeeding in it?

Expressing yourself is the new history. Knowing who you are and being courageous enough to admit it…out loud, is what health and wellth are built upon. Health is, full expression of life. It’s you being fully you, and then being bold enough to express it with everyone you meet. Are you living a rich story?

You are the new celebrity! A celebrity is one who is celebrated. Are you celebrating yourself, your life, and those in it? When you give thanks and appreciate where you are, on the way to where you’re going, you get there being a whole lot healthier and happier. Appreciation adds so much more value and worth to your existence. The more you are grateful for, the more you will have to be grateful for. How grateful are you?

Discovery will lead to your recovery. When you discover who you are and your value (your wellth), you will experience a restoration that is both intimate and infinite. You will fall in love with you, and when you do…taking care of YOU will no longer be hard. It will be one of the easiest things you will ever do. Your life will have more ease and less dis-ease. Being your best will be as natural as breathing. The great news is this: recovery, healing, success, and wellth are natural. In fact, they are super natural…and so are you. Are you ready to recover and KNOW your BEST YOU?

Dr. Shannon is the author of Dr. Shannon Knows, the 12 Steps for Wellthy People. Dr. Shannon has been in the health and fitness industry since 1985 and in private practice since 1995. She also serves on staff at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, providing chiropractic care for patients. She is the founder of the health4life REVOLUTION!, a 12-week fitness opportunity that builds people from the inside, out. She is a wife and mother of three teenage daughters.


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