2020 in shape for the good work

Choose to make this a spectacular year of living physically and spiritually fit with Faith & Fitness Magazine. Our themes in 2020 reflect the strength of God, the hope of Christ, and incredible passion through the Holy Spirit to do the good work of living life well.


Take a moment to review the themes for each issue. If you want to be featured in the magazine then submit a proposal to write an article or develop content. There are also opportunities for your business, church or organization to advertise in or sponsor a particular issue of the magazine. All of our readers can network and participate in the ministry of each issue by using the suggested hashtags below with your social media. Content frequently includes questions for personal reflection and small group discussions. So, the features are designed to support spiritual formation and stronger Christian living. Each issue also has downloadable made-for-tv graphics so that churches, gyms, and other businesses/organizations can easily share the magazine on their television message systems in their facilities. Be sure to subscribe to our free newsletter service so that you can keep up to date on each new issue.


How Fit Is Your Mind?

February/March 2020       

I’ll never lose the weight. It hurts so bad. Why should I try, I’ll never win. I’m ugly, nobody really likes me. — What are the conversations you should be having with God? — right now! Sever depression, chronic pain, hopelessness and social isolation are leading factors that affect people physically, emotionally and spiritually and contribute to the growing number of suicides. Sure, a good workout can release endorphins and group exercise can be a great way to engage with others. But when you’re all alone the loud voice inside your mind is persistent to destroy the good work God has begun in you. It’s time to learn how to avoid injuries and how to be the spiritual spotter for those trying to lift an incredibly heavy burden. Beyond positivity, open your mind to a greater fitness through faith.

Be an active part of our community. Lend your pictures and thoughts to this issue with your social media hashtag #teamliftforlife Have a story to share? Text mystory to 22828.

Filthy Grace

April/May 2020

The guy on the treadmill next to you stinks — He literally stinks! Maybe the only thing filthier than his gym clothes are the conversations you overhear from the women in group exercise. At least your life’s all Downy fresh. Nice job. No? When we inject Botox into our Facebook posts our lives may look wrinkle free but we all know that dirt we hide is real. The higher we esteem ourselves the lower we go. Life’s going to get gross before it gets glorious. We humbly submit to you a totally righteous plan.

Be an active part of our community. Lend your pictures and thoughts to this issue with your social media hashtag #grosstoglorious Have a story to share? Text mystory to 22828.

1 set of reps

June/July 2020      

How heavy and how many? Time to reengineer our thinking and introduce a better approach to making significant gains. Do one thing well – over and over again. You can do so much with so little. You’re uniquely made for a very special purpose. Quit trying to be in control. Just work hard and help the weak. All you really need to do is be faithful and have good form. Purity of heart and singularity of focus IS stewardship. It’s time to manage that well. How heavy should you go? Do it with everything you’ve got! Once you’ve done 70×7 just keep going – like for forever. When you give it all, God will bless beyond your wildest dreams.

Be an active part of our community. Lend your pictures and thoughts to this issue with your social media hashtag #solideoinfinitio (God Alone Endless) Have a story to share? Text mystory to 22828.

Certified STRONG!

August/September 2020   

You don’t have a clue what this is about. Heart healthy, muscular strength, aerobic endurance, training knowledge … Hah, certified wrong! You can get that just about anywhere. We want to help you get trained to have incredibly strong skills you can use to help others one-on-one in the moment and ongoing. Learn how to engage your spiritual eyes and ears and OBSERVE what you can’t see in the gym. Develop the simple skill of a first responder with the power of PRAYER. Go beyond paleo and vegan by feeding on the raw NUTRITION of the Bible. Discover how Christ owns “no judgement” as you make a commitment to being COMPASSION. And — when it’s obvious that someone needs help then what? You can be the life of Christ to INTERVENE. Get certified strong and be all about total fitness.

Be an active part of our community. Lend your pictures and thoughts to this issue with your social media hashtag #alotmorethanmuscles Have a story to share? Text mystory to 22828.


Total power, pure devotion and your limitless capacity to do the good work

October/November 2020

Both fitness and faith begin with desire – a strong compulsion for something more. With some effort you can discover the joy of consistency. Beyond your limits lies devotion, when you’re “all in”! It’s time to add to the relentless commitment to a healthy diet and the insane determination to train. Obsession blows up to a whole new level when you give your life totally over to God. Being in the top 1% is nothing compared to this.

Be an active part of our community. Lend your pictures and thoughts to this issue with your social media hashtag #dailydevotionaddsup Have a story to share? Text mystory to 22828.


December 2020/January 2021

“Out with the old and in with the new” is a disposable consumer mentality. It’s easy to squander your focus, values and energy by being the consumer of good intentions, group consensus and playing life in safety mode. It’s a guaranteed plan for spiritual atrophy – a wasting disease far worse than deteriorating muscles. Instead, don’t get fatigued doing good – work for the benefit of all. In your life and for your community appreciate challenges, celebrate experience and continually pursue more. Be a citizen deeply connected to your community through faithfulness, patient endurance and righteousness. Submit your will to God and be the nourishment others need.

Be an active part of our community. Lend your pictures and thoughts to this issue with your social media hashtag #obeyyourthirstforgod Have a story to share? Text mystory to 22828.


Be sure to subscribe to our free newsletter service and share this free magazine site with all your friends.




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