In 2019 we were pleased to celebrate and bring attention to three outstanding fitness ministries at Faith & Fitness Magazine’s 2019 Fitness Ministry Awards.
The 2021 Fitness Ministry Awards will be presented at redefined – a faith and fitness conference in-person gathering in San Antonio, Texas, October 28, 2021 co-located with the Athletic Business Show. USE THE FORM BELOW TO SUBMIT A CANDIDATE FOR CONSIDERATION.
The three 2019 award winners are:
- Divine Wellness Ministries founded by Troy Ismir (6:58 in the video)
- 148 Ministries and 148 Wellness led by founders David and Amber Storvic and owner Chris Walker (19:08 in the video)
- Nubability Athletics Foundation founded by Sam Kuhnert (33:18 in the video)
Fitness Ministry Awards are given to businesses, ministries and organizations that demonstrate the following qualites:
- attentiveness and innovation
- clarity of purpose and mission
- humility
- all-in commitment
- deliver big-as-God results
These five qualities are described more fully in this page below. If your business, ministry or organization would like to be considered for a Fitness Ministry Award then CONTACT US using the form below.
Faith & Fitness Magazine’s 2019 Fitness Ministry Awards hosted by Robbie Raugh was held on Thursday, November 14, 2019 at redefined – a faith and fitness conference co-located at the Athletic Business Show in Orlando, Florida. Watch the entire awards ceremony here and on Faith & Fitness Magazine’s Facebook LIVE.
Fitness ministries that make a difference in today’s culture pay attention to the unique (often local) needs of the people around them. These fitness businesses also pay close attention to God, getting direction that exceeds business strategies and profit motives. They drill down deeper and find opportunities to show God’s grace, compassion and strength to all but frequently those who are underserved by the majority of the fitness industry. They develop and introduce ideas and solutions that pioneer new standards and redefine how fitness can be done.
This attention and innovation leads to a clear focus to impact lives daily and also foster (often aggressively) forward-thinking plans well into the future. Their daily drive is contagious spiritual gumption fueled by a strong confidence in God. Fitness ministries need the ability to be unwavering in the convictions and demonstrate a high level of tenacity to reach for and grab hold of the ever increasing potential that God produces.
Perhaps the greatest strength great fitness ministry have is their ability to have humility. They recognize that the most important place to stay is in a place of following God’s lead. They aren’t shy in what they do and how they do it, rather they subject their decisions, actions, business practices, public relations and logic to the divine guidance of God’s Spirit. Greater success for these businesses continually cultivates deeper spiritual obedience. The public impact is profound and compelling thus directing attention toward Christ.
Exemplary fitness ministries grab hold of intangible skills to shape new realities. They invest to a level far beyond where others stop. Challenges quickly and consistently become their best tools for resilience. Their enthusiasm sets the pace for tremendous capacity building. For these ministries this all-in spirit leaves no room for reservations. Instead they become the conduit for God to release creative momentum and life giving hope.
These fitness ministries have a bottom line that ultimately defies the normal scope of high producing outcomes. They’ve ventured into a level of effectiveness that moves the human spirit to long for and find new definitions in high performance. Their faith-equity invested in the lives of others drives new standards in measurables. These organizations strengthen all of us with a greater ability to comprehend the greatness of God.

Help us identify potential Fitness Ministry Award Recipients. Use this form and submit a candidate for consideration*.