You Say You Want A Resolution

Fit For Freedom by Laurie Graves

You Say You Want A Resolution???

Every year millions of Americans vow to lose weight and get in shape and about 6 weeks later when the box of Valentines candy arrives they are back on the sofa loosening their belts and giving up on promises they made to themselves on the first day of the year. Generally this is because we make impractical, unrealistic goals that require super hero strength. Often we misjudge how much effort it’s going to take to break these ingrained habits such as inactivity, poor sleeping habits, overeating and defaulting to fast food and junk food. One report I recently read said 51% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions to exercise more and 35% plan to lose weight. 1/3 fall off the wagon by January 7 th, 1/2 are finished by Valentines Day and 60% of all resolutions are forgotten by July. What gives?!


A key component to change is assessing for READINESS. There are 5 stages that I check for when I asses a potential new client:

  1. Pre-contemplation – a person has no intention of changing in the next 6 months or may not even be aware of the need for change.
  2. Contemplation – a person is aware they need to change and intends to take action in the next 6 months or so, but lacks commitment to fire up the engines.
  3. Preparation – a person has decide to change and actually has a plan of a certain type of exercise they might like, a gym to join or an eating program they might like to try.
  4. Action – a person has already started making small steps and made specific changes within the past 6 months. For example, eating more veggies or drinking more water or taking short walks.
  5. Maintenance – a person has been following through with their action plan (working out, getting more sleep and eating better) and is working hard to prevent a relapse into old behaviors.

The Bible says to everything there is a season and an appointed time under the sun – even in health and fitness there are seasons … what season are you in? It’s important to note that the most successful stage to be in to plan your New Years resolutions is stage 4, where you have already actively made decisions to change. Today, as you ponder the changes that might be necessary to live the abundant life that Jesus promised us in  John 10:10, remember that YOU have a part to play. There are disciplines and measures needed that are profitable for our bodies. There is a place of peace and balance that can be obtained by being obedient to walk out of the lifestyle of excess and laziness. One scripture that often rings in my ears is Hosea 11:4, it says, ” I drew them with gentle cords, with bands of love, and I was to them as those who take the heavy yoke from their neck. I stooped down and fed them with my hand.” The Lord does not want you to wear a heavy yoke in this process. He want to give you creative ideas for your eating plan. He wants you to have fun when you exercise. He wants to extend healing to you as you are obedient to get the proper amount of rest. God wants to help you get healthy!

Dear Lord, Today, I lay aside man’s wisdom and I seek You to remove the torment and bondage of losing weight. I trust that you are able to lead me to the wellness information that will be profitable for me as I am obedient to get my Temple in order. I want to involve you in the process. I’m thankful that you drew me lovingly to start this task because you want me to feel better and to be more energetic, not only for me, but for my family and for Your Kingdom work. I want to be faithful with everything that you have given me, including my body. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If your ready to start making healthy changes in your life get a copy of my new book, Fit For Freedom, (order at or at and get on the fast track to stage 4. The devotions in Fit For Freedom will help you become more mindful about what God has to say about your health. Learn from spiritual principals from God’s Word about eating and nutrition, how to fight depression, practicing fitness, getting more sleep, how to live a balanced life, healing and more.




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