
As for me, I will see your face in righteousness.  I shall be satisfied when I awake in your likeness.

skyler 2014 smile.jpgI had a call from one of my daughters, who had just left a doctor’s appointment for her three month old, with her two year old in tow.  My daughter proceeded to tell me how my two year old granddaughter had been off the chain while at the doctor’s office.  Most likely, my two year old granddaughter’s actions were a result of not being able to go outside, because of the inclement weather and with her younger sister being ill.


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I had the day off and had planned in my mind a zillion and one things to do, including getting in a good workout.  However, by 11:00 am I already knew what I was thinking that needed to be accomplished, was not exactly the best plan —  or the one that God would want me to do. 

So I heard myself say to my daughter, “how about I take my little toddler swimming at the YMCA after lunch”?  The direction of my day was changing.  I had hoped to accomplish lots of task, but I knew the most important task that needed my attention was not part of my “to do list”.  But rather a time to build upon a relationship that was already entwined in love.

Each of us is uniquely formed to represent the likeness of God. Kindness is easy to spill over on others.

Upon arriving to my daughter’s home to pick up my granddaughter, I was met with excited squeals and kisses from my little toddler.   The following is what my granddaughter and I accomplished on my day off:

1. We learned that my granddaughter was capable of finding her jacket with a little help from Nana.
2. We learned that taking in the scenery while driving is a beautiful thing.
3. We learned that power naps are just as good for toddlers, as they are for adults, and it is good to be that  person others can trust that facilitates rest and relaxation.
4. We learned it can be fun to whisper to each other.
5. We learned that sharing pool toys is fun.
6. We learned to be in the moment without a “to do list” to rule the day.
7. We learned that asking for help is okay.
8. We learned the words to the song “God of the Impossible” and belted out the lyrics over and over on the way home.
9. We learned it’s important to spend time with people you love.
10. We learned what was really at the top of Nana’s “to do list”.

What’s at the top of your “to do list”? Think about what you can “accomplish” today and with whom you can do that.

Each of us is uniquely formed to represent the likeness of God.  The soul of our character is designed to share with others.  It is important to allow the “likeness” of God to emerge.  Maybe you are a patient person, share it with someone.  You might do that by volunteering to help adult learners to learn how to read.  Perhaps you can help someone that is new to your fitness facility to use the equipment properly.  These are just a couple of examples of how you can share the likeness of God.

Kindness is easy to spill over on others.  Hold a door open, help someone juggling groceries, drive someone to an appointment, or take time to listen to old stories.  Goodness and kindness are just two attributes of character that Christ displayed, and two that as followers of the gospel we can emulate. 

Find time during the holiday season to share the character strength of Christ, because that is what we are here for.


Questions for personal reflection and small group discussion.

  1. How do you go about filling your daily agenda? How can you make time for others when you are planning? What can you do to be better positioned to accommodate the unplanned opportunities God gives you to do good and be kind?
  2. Who are some people that come to mind that could benefit from a personal encounter with Christ through you this week? How might you do that? When will you do it? What might be some outcomes for which you can pray?
  3. In what ways could character strength be similar to physical strength? How do you need help to  build greater character strength?

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