Weighing in on The Biggest Loser Gain

Weighing in on The Biggest Loser Gain

Did you see the recent Nightline report on The Biggest Losers rebounding weight. If not, check it out here : https://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/video/biggest-loser-contestants-open-continuing-weight-battles-38891927  After working with many reality weight loss contestants from NBC’s The Biggest Loser and ABC’s Extreme Weight Loss before, during and after their time taping for these shows, I would say there are many reasons and many variables for gaining the weight back. I don’t have to speculate, I have my own collected data…

1. There Is not enough education given during sequestering period. The contestants are just doing what they are told for the most part to lose big pounds each week. Most are mindlessly on auto pilot and not taking note and learning for the future.

2. Very little follow up or after care, no accountability, no exit plan for integration back to normal living. However, to be fair, most addicts do slip into thinking, “I got this,” and don’t reach out for support when it’s needed because of guilt and shame. If more of them had, possibly there would have been support made available for them.

3. Weight loss at a fast rate CAN mess up a person’s metabolism – this is not rocket science. Just look at how the Adkin’s Diet backfired on America! Everybody lost it fast eating bacon and eggs in the 90’s and started gaining it right back the second they ate a single carb.

4. Food addiction is a very real stronghold and I don’t believe that all the weight came back through eating low calorie meals and snacks prepared at home. Old habits die hard and it takes a good long time to be able to take control over those addiction impulses firing in the frontal lobe. Unless you are tracking your foods through journaling or an nutrition app, do you REALLY remember all you ate that got you to this point? 13 years after losing 90 pounds I still journal my food, if my weight goes up I have a reference tool to check as to why it may be happening.

-If you want to stay lean you DO have to eat good foods like lean proteins, complex carbs and plenty of veggies MOST of the time.

-Once you’ve lost weight, you can’t go back to fast food, doughnuts and soda and expect to keep it off. Your body will grab onto those empty calories after the “famine” and will only very begrudgingly release those calories. These types of foods can only be an occasional treat.

5. The key to keeping it real is being transparent through accountability. I always say, “being transparent brings transformation.” You have to have someone close at hand to speak truth into your life. You have to have someone willing to confront you in love when your getting off course. You have to humble to hear their message.

6. Many people make excuses for not working out, the biggest excuses being 1.) lack of funds and 2.) lack of time.
If you want your health bad enough you will find the money and you will find the time.

-You can find gym memberships for as little as $14 per month – I have one.

-You can join or start an exercise/walking group for accountability.

-You can always meet a friend or family member for a walk. All you need is a pair of tennis shoes.

-You can workout at home with your own body weight and a set of hand weights or you could set up a home gym with as little as $100. Don’t have $100? Don’t go out to eat or get Starbucks and you will have DOUBLE that in your pocket by the end of the month!

-You use YouTube to find everything else, why not look up free exercise videos and use those as a free resource?

-You can cook nutritious meals at home no matter how busy you are – it takes a decision that you and your health are worth it. One or two hours of food prep a week and you will be able to throw together 30 min meals for every night of the week.

-If you have to eat out because you travel for work or are on the go a lot – educate your self on the best picks possible at your favorite restaurants. Know what your going to order before you go by researching online. Once your in the hot seat and being tempted with a hundred different choices on the menu your less likely to choose wisely.

7. Inner wounds need healing. What lead you to food addiction in the first place? Have you found freedom from that? Have you discovered the root of your addiction? Until the root has been discovered and dug out we naturally do have a tendency to revert back to old patterns of comfort. That includes any kind of addiction, not just food.

We’re all in this together and the struggle is not imagined. Together we are stronger. In the Bible there is a verse that says, one will put a thousand to flight and two will put ten thousand to flight. That is supernatural math. When we stand in faith together we are ten times stronger. Let’s remember to be encouraging and prayerful for those who are struggling. Let’s be willing to stand with them!

If you would like more information to help you on your weight loss journey, check out the FREE resources and printable PDF’s here : www.faithandfitness.net/freedom  or you can check out my daily devotional Fit for Freedom, Healing for your Body, Soul and Spirit available here: https://www.amazon.com/Fit-Freedom-Laurie-Graves/dp/1630630667

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