The Real Win

It is easy to be the person you want others to see, when everything is going your way.  It is another to be the person you want others to see when you are in conflict and having to overcome difficult situations unless the character of your inner man is deep rooted and has been cultivated over time.

A real hero shows what good character looks like in a real man.

Last night Peyton Manning may have pulled off the biggest win of his life.  Peyton was in the headlines today not because he won the Super Bowl but because individuals witnessed excellent character in a man after his teams crushing defeat. Peyton Manning’s values rose above the night, sports reporter’s comments and hateful social feeds. 

Peyton Manning’s win last night was more than a temporary bragging right; it was a win for the generations.  It was a win for Peyton’s parents, the loving family that surrounds him and a hungry youth looking for a real hero to show what good character looks like in a real man.

It is unbelievably important to help our children put sports and games in perspective.   Our communities are full of children that need help understanding that sports activities are not what makes up the soul of who they are.  It is their character, the gift they can be and are to others.  More importantly it is the knowledge that God created them uniquely special with purpose.

Today take time to have a discussion with your children and/or children with whom you work.

Here are a few discussion questions to get the conversation going:

1. How do you think Peyton Manning felt after his team lost the Super Bowl?
2. How did Peyton Manning show loyalty to his team mates?
3. What character traits did Peyton Manning display?
4. How do you respond when you lose a race or when your team does not win?
5. How can you apply the character traits that Peyton Manning displayed in your own life?

Build character strength in your children so that they can stand strong during times of adversity.

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