My Journey And Journal To The Arnold: Entry 4

By Coki Cruz, My Journey and Journal to the Arnold’s

*This journal has multiple entries, please use the menu at the bottom to navigate between them*

6 days out: February 28th, 2020


I’ve had some low intensity work the past couple of days. Thursday was a rest day to just be with Mariah in the aftermath of her exam, and today was some light work of Overhead Squats and speedy Snatches. I’m up in Maryland with family now and tomorrow is my last max out day before Arnold’s. I’ll be at Sarge Athletics, with the awesome Patrick “Sarge” Avon. Let’s go!


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Got some quick work done before I headed out to the parents. OHS @ 210 Snatch @ 165

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PRAISE REPORT: I woke up this morning under 150 lbs! 149.9 lbs on the dot. Thank God! I guess you can say the weight loss is going great. I got 2.5 more lbs to go. It’s always difficult to maintain, let alone lose, weight when I’m home at my parents. I’m sure there are many of you reading this that can understand where I’m coming from here! Home cooking is the best, and with my mom’s spaghetti or arroz con gandules y bistec, to my dad’s fried chicken and tostones… Or how they love treating me to sweets with cookies or french toast breakfasts… It’s rough! But, they are very supportive and aside from having to buy some french bread before I arrived for them, and as I watch them eat home made tortillas from my brother-in-law Oscar, they have purchased extra greens and chicken just for me.



My biggest praise right now is getting below 150 lbs without having to do a water cut! The last two weight cuts have been hard but this one, despite the trouble earlier this week, has gone “without a hitch.” Of course, I still have a couple pounds left, but now the concern is with all the food temptations I have at my parents’. I want to eat cookies and milk, bread, spaghetti, fried chicken, rice and beans… It’s all so delicious to think about. But I will stand strong. I’ve brought some of my own foods, my food scale, protein powder… I’ll get through this weekend. Believe it!

Thank you God for getting me to my goal of 150 lbs by the end of the week. Give me strength to resist the temptation to overeat this weekend and stick to my diet. Show me ways to enjoy my time with family despite the food restrictions I’ve placed on myself. Amen.


Are you caught up yet? Or have you not even started… Well here’s Entry 1

Finished reading the first? OK here is Entry 2

To round it all off here’s Entry 3

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