Mission Minded

We are creatures of habit and the more we chose a specific behavior the easier it becomes to execute. The best way to learn for most individuals is to listen, write it down, think about it, and act on it. When it comes to goal setting there are several ways to go about it. It really boils down to what works for you overall, but the key is consistency which is built from your resiliency to never give up. It is wise to start something you know you will follow through and finish. The best way to finish something you start is to make it apart of your lifestyle and be a habit you believe in. This will allow you to work on the specific task with more consistency and feel a sense of accomplishment because you identify with it. 

The issue is never the goal but our ability to consistently and routinely strive after it daily, weekly, or monthly. On your path to goal setting make sure to put God in the mix. He will make all your plans succeed as long as it is aligned right in His eyes. Make sure that you pray throughout each step as you prepare for your journey. Below are a few steps to help you make your goals apart of your daily life:

Lifestyle Goal Setting Strategy 

1) Discover– Dig deep and find what you really want. This is the excavation process to find your ‘why’ for doing what you want to do. Ask yourself questions to help you discover what you truly desire.

2) Describe– Write as much details as possible when it comes to this process. Correlate how you emotionally feel with the words that are expressed on paper. Ask God to reveal why a specific area draws your attention more. Overall, the more you write it down the more it will come to life. This will help you elevate what you excavate.

3) Delay– This a big area to be aware of. You will need to find and identify any thing that will distract you during the process, so you can attack and avoid it. Distraction can lead to the destruction of our destiny. (Read more in the book Indistractable).

4) Diligent– Take your time because it will take time. Get your details into a step by step process or a game plan. This is an important preparation and execution phase. Remember, each step during this process is important. This is an area when you can implement the S.M.A.R.T (Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely) principle but also implement this same principle to prayer (Specific Meaningful Articulate Radical Trustful). Pray through the process as you prepare for it. 

5) Determine– Take on a persistent mindset and keep a strong focus forward. There will be times you will want to give up, so be resilient. Keep your ‘why’ is strong enough, so you will be able to overcome. On the days you don’t feel like doing it. Make sure to do it anyways, but it is easier to do something if it is apart of your identity and matches your lifestyle. When it comes to goal setting, we must have diligence, obedience, and persistence. Taking this process on will help you see progress. It will be hard and difficult, but the return on investment will be satisfying. (Read more in Grit and in Atomic Habits).

Maybe you are in a season of constant struggle with goals and have done everything. Take the next step to establish a personal mission and vision statement for your life. This is possible because everyone is a leader, which means everyone should strive for a vision, mission, passion and compassion. This will empower you to know what to say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ too. This will be your guide and give your more focus on your purpose each day. Then establish values that are concrete that will help you combat wavering feelings. Remember we can utilize feelings to our advantage, but they are fleeting. Establishing a vision, mission, and values will help you make strides after goals you set. We do need to be mindful and make sure we don’t forget what is important and that is people. We can be in such a hurry to grow personally and build a particular brand that we miss out helping someone in need right in front of us. Show compassion daily to everyone, no matter what your goals are.

Look to God 

God establishes purpose through His vision which is the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven and restoration with all people. God’s mission is the great commission, which is to make disciples and to teach them about Gods Word. God takes time to show us His passion through His love for all people. He also shows us compassion when He meets people exactly where they are and meets their needs in that moment. This goes the same us. Envision your life similar to a personal business or brand when it comes to goal setting. It will help you maintain focus and determination when times get difficult. When  you establish a vision and mission you will see explosive growth and realize that your goals are just stepping stones. Remember, along your journey let your passion come alive and always show compassion to others along the way. We are never to busy to stop and help someone along our journey. 

Mission Minded instead of Goal Oriented 

1) Mission Statement: Think today’s forecast and what can get done today.

2) Vision Statement: Think future forecast and what the ultimate destination is to strive for.

3) Values to Live by: Personal standards and foundation (check out our Aspire to Inspire post)

My personal mission: To Pave a path for others to achieve greatly in Jesus name.

My personal vision: That everyone will realize their true potential within them through the power of Jesus Christ and be transformed into the person they were called to be.

Values I live by: Strength, Courage, Persistence, & Endurance

Bible Verse: ‘Arise, for it is your task, and we are with you; be strong and do it.” Ezra 10:4 ESV

Take the time this new year to write out all you desire and dig deep. Get a journal and put it in front of you daily. Take time to excavate, elevate, and then execute. Lastly, find a bible verse or several that empowers you to act. Then come up with an action phrase to cue you to keep going. What I am going to say for 2020 for me is the phrase “Arise.” No matter what I do, it will propel me to be purposeful and meaningful each day.

Finally, when it comes to setting goals, people think it must be fitness related. It doesn’t have to be, but fitness is about improving you and becoming the best version of yourself! You are capable, so why not improve your body and keep yourself in peak shape to live life to the fullest. Our ability to steward our bodies will give us more energy, stamina, strength, and endurance to take on tasks we face. If you are aiming for fitness related goals and need guidance check out our Faith & Fitness Initiatives page.

-Consistency builds Resiliency

-Diligence, Obedience, & Persistence to Achieve

-Establish a personal Mission, Vision, and Values

-Excavate, Elevate, and Execute

Great Resources 

  1. The Bible 
  2. Indistractable- Nir Eyal
  3. Grit- Angela Duckworth
  4. Atomic Habits- James Clear 

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